Chapter 2: A Sinister Reunion

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Eight-year-old Andrew eagerly embarked on his new journey as a school-goer. The sun was shining brightly and the day was filled with warmth. Andrew's eyes were fixated on the sky as he waited for his older brother to pick him up after school. Moments later, his brother Ryan arrived, his face flushed with exertion.

"Sorry for being late, Andrew. I was caught up with my training. So, how was your day at school?" Ryan asked, genuinely interested. 

Andrew's eyes gleamed with excitement as he replied, "It was fantastic! I learn something new every day."

Ryan, a figure of strength and bravery, instantly reminded Andrew of the awe-inspiring tale their mother had once shared. It described the valiant deeds Ryan committed while on a mission. All of their squad members had been vanquished by the fearsome opponents.

Ryan, however, stood tall as the sole survivor, engaging the adversaries in a gruelling battle that lasted for hours. The lives of several kidnapped children hung in the balance, dependent on the outcome of this fierce struggle. Ryan refused to yield, fighting with every ounce of his being until he emerged triumphant, rescuing the children.

Andrew marvelled at the tale, his admiration for his brother deepening. Since childhood, he had aspired to follow in Ryan's footsteps, longing to become a hunter just like him. Lost in his thoughts, Andrew suddenly realized that they had arrived home.

Upon opening the door, Andrew was enveloped in a warm embrace from his older sister, Stacy.

Her endearing smile brightened his day as she exclaimed, "Welcome back home, Andrew! You've arrived just in time. I've finished cooking. Let's go and enjoy a delicious meal together."

Stacy, a kind and loving sister, held Andrew's hand and led him to the dining hall. Andrew said, "It's delicious!" after taking a bite of the meal as they were getting situated. The entire family showered Stacy with admiration for her cooking abilities.

Grateful for having such a wonderful sister, Andrew savoured the meal. As the family basked in their happiness, little did they know that a cloud of uncertainty loomed on the horizon. Ryan had yet to return from his mission, casting a palpable tension over their household. Andrew, unaware of the details, could only wait and pray for his brother's safe return.

Desiring to divert his mind from worry, Andrew decided to visit a nearby park to lift his spirits.

Meanwhile, at the park, a melancholic scene unfolded. Alice, a cute and lonely girl, sat on a swing, observing other children joyfully playing. Constantly moving due to her parents' work, she had never had the opportunity to make friends. The only companion she had was a beloved toy named Kitty.

Unexpectedly, a group of boys playing nearby approached Alice, extending an invitation, "Hey, do you want to play with us?"

Alice's face lit up with hope as she replied, "Yes, I would love to!"

Together, they concocted a game where Alice would play the villain. The boys fetched a rope and tied Alice to a nearby tree, explaining that villains don't complain. Confused and hurt, Alice protested, "What are you doing?"

One of the boys responded callously, striking Alice across the face, "Just be quiet! Villains don't get to complain about what heroes do." They even snatched Kitty from her, cruelly branding it as the "devil's pet" before kicking it around.

Overwhelmed by pain and despair, Alice couldn't contain her tears any longer, pleading, "Please stop! It hurts. Give me Kitty back."

Unbeknownst to Alice, Andrew happened to pass by at that moment. He couldn't bear to witness the injustice unfolding before him. With a surge of determination, Andrew bravely approached the group of bullies, demanding that they stop tormenting Alice.

However, the bullies refused to back down. One of them, fuelled by anger, delivered a swift kick to Andrew's stomach, momentarily staggering him. But Andrew's spirit remained unyielding, his resolve unbroken. He fought back valiantly, defending Alice with every ounce of his strength, despite being outnumbered and physically overpowered.

The battle raged on, Andrew enduring blow after blow, refusing to relent. He managed to defeat one of the bullies, but the odds were against him. The others, fuelled by frustration, intensified their attacks, delivering a relentless barrage of punches and kicks upon Andrew's battered body.

As the assault continued, the bullies, finally growing bored, ceased their onslaught and callously left Andrew behind, bruised and bloodied on the ground. The ropes that had bound Alice to the tree now loosened, allowing her to free herself. Overwhelmed with gratitude and concern, she rushed to Andrew's side.

Trembling, Alice asked, "Are you okay? But why did you fight for me?"

Andrew struggled to breathe but managed to say, "I couldn't just watch them bully you. If I did, I would be no better than them. I wanted to protect you, even if it meant getting hurt."

Moved by Andrew's selflessness, Alice's eyes filled with tears. "You're not weak, Andrew. You did your best, and I'm grateful for your help."

Andrew introduced himself, extending a hand towards Alice. "Will you be my friend?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine warmth.

A smile spread across Alice's face, erasing the traces of her earlier sorrow. "Of course! My name is Alice. It's nice to meet you," she replied, accepting his hand.

The two newfound friends sat down on a nearby bench, engaging in a heartfelt conversation. Time seemed to slip away as they shared their stories, dreams, and hopes for the future. Their bond strengthened, a flicker of light amid the darkness.

However, their joy was abruptly shattered as Alice realized she was running late. "Oh no, it's getting late. I have to go home for lunch, or else my mom will be angry. See you tomorrow, Andrew," she exclaimed, hastily rising from the bench.

Andrew nodded, bidding her farewell. "Take care, Alice. See you tomorrow."

Alice was rushing home when she turned a corner and ran into a stranger.
She was startled and turned to apologise when she saw a frightening being standing in front of her.

As his words echoed, "I apologize, young girl," the man's gaze seemed to penetrate her being, as if it could unravel the depths of her soul.

"Um, do I know you?" Alice inquired out of curiosity. Are you my dad's friend?

A terrorising smirk formed on the stranger's lips.

"In fact, I am your father's friend and I've travelled a long way to see him.
Can you provide me directions to your house?"

Alice nodded cautiously, her emotions swirling with a mixture of excitement and unease.

They set out on their journey together, Alice's heart racing with worry and anticipation.
They eventually made it to Alice's residence. She said as she opened the door, "I'm back home! We have a visitor, parents. He is one of Dad's friends.

The moment her parents recognised the stranger's face, their eyes widened in disbelief and terror. Her father said in a trembling voice, "How... how are you still alive? How did you come across us here? Father of Alice spoke stutteringly and nervously.

The man quickly moved, barring their escape options before they could respond. He seized Alice, turning his palm into a three-bladed, lethal sword. Their spines felt numb at their thought of its touch.

He shouted, "Don't move," with a hint of venom in his voice. "I'll put an end to her life if you even blink. Look into my eyes and realise the gravity of the issue.

He lifted Alice off the ground by tightening his hold on her head. She was paralysed with fear and blamed herself for putting her parents in peril. She wanted to defend them at any costs, and her desperation grew. The idea of a world without her devoted parents was intolerable to her.

When Alice's mother realised how terrified her daughter was, she shook. She addressed Alice in a shaky voice.

"My sweetheart, are you hungry? Why not wash your hands now? We won't need your concern; relax. I'll prepare your preferred snack this evening, I swear.
He spoke softly in Alice's ear as he was let go, giving her a sliver of hope.

"I take it that you're a wonderful girl who wants to save her parents? Follow your mother's advice then.

The idea of putting her parents in threat caused Alice some challenges. She held onto the hope that her parents still had a plan and could survive. She made her way to the restroom with determination, the creaking of the door resonating throughout the deserted home.

With each step closer to the restroom, the man's smile grew wider, sensing victory within his grasp.

"Silent Domain..." he murmured.

To be continued...

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