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~~~ I made this one too long, hope that is no problem ~~~

"Dear, I am sorry, but we will train after this quick run, OK?" Miao tells MK as she passes golden carrots and ginger to a kind old man and they both bid their farewells, "The adventure to find exotic flowers made my schedule a little backed up..."

"No problem, Miao," MK walks by her side as the two go off to the next seller, "I never knew you worked hard to do this sort of thing, y'know."

"Really?" Miao says as she waves to a couple with a smile as they said, greet her, "I thought dear Mei had told you, she usually accompanies me whenever she wants."

"Of course, she didn't," MK pouted, "She just wants you to herself!"

She only chuckled and patted his spiky hair, which made MK smile at her. Miao is walking with a bag of plants, and this time it is full of edible plants and not the rare exotic plants she usually hunts for. MK was by her side as she passed them out to each of the sellers of the farmer's market which they paid her for.

"Miao, you do this every day?" MK asks as he looks up at the tall woman bidding farewell to a mother with twins by her side.

"Weekly, yes," Miao chuckles as she carries the big bag, "I usually go and have more flowers of all kinds for my shop but when I have time I do make time making a side hustle, I hope I said that right, with providing herbs and food."

MK chuckles at her using the slang, and then his grin with her contagious joy is ruined when two men approach her, on their knees with their hands out to her. Miao widens her brown eyes as she covers her pink lips out of shock. MK was surprised as they appeared out of nowhere and they pushed him away to be in front of Miao.

"Oh... What is this, gentlemen?" Miao gives them a nervous smile, "I am quite busy and tired, and what can I help you with?"

MK frowns as he sees how much she is straining herself since her walk is rather wobbly and she is still sweating as she carries the bag of plants, 'She still is pushing herself too hard from the adventures she takes...' Then he faces the two men and saw the look of admiration in their eyes, making him roll his eyes.

'Oh no, I know that look and situation...' MK thought and narrowed his eyes at the two men behind her back, 'There she goes again with men trying to make a move on her. This time I won't be helping them since they are not Monkey King!'

"When I first laid eyes on your beauty and kindness, I just wanted to be the man for you to give you happiness!" The one with a beard and brown hair says, "Please marry me, Shan Miao!"

"No, marry me!" The one next to him had dark hair in a half bun as he nudged the other man away from him, "I can bring you happiness and I want to be by your side more than him! You are an angel, an embodiment of kindness and beauty, and the perfect woman for me!"

"You just copied what I said, Xiang!" The bearded one glared at him.

"Oh yeah, at least mine was better, Chen!" Xiang glares at Chen.

Miao walks to MK who was pushed to the ground with concern, "Dear, are you ok?"

'Ooh~ I got an idea!' MK saw how sad she was, and smirked mischievously, "No, I think I scraped my knee! Ow!" He faked his pain as he supposedly winced in pain when Miao went to help him up, and pouted, "It hurts!"

"Uhm... Miao?" The men called out to her.

Miao bows to them with a sad frown, "I need to check MK's health and the answer to you both will remain the same, denied." She carries MK as if he were a fragile child as MK fakes being sick, "I apologize for being rude, Chen and Xiang, but I must go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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