Florist and Faker

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"Argh!" Macaque let out a grunt of pain as he ran away from a group of cats who laughs at him, "You stupid cats will-"

"I wonder if tomorrow I should meditate more," the cats heard a voice and they ran away, leaving the cat Macaque behind.

"Oh, I have to train my dear, and then I can read Tang's book he let me borrow before I sleep!" Macaque lays on the concrete floor and sees a very tall woman in pink with an umbrella smile for herself, "Yes, and hopefully the kid doesn't become too tired from his previous training."

Miao twirls her parasol happily and then sees a black cat in the corner of her eyes, she stops twirling her parasol and closes it. She gets a closer look and sees a black cat with a wound on its stomach, she gasps and goes on her knees to get a closer look.

"Oh, my! You are terribly hurt!" Miao tears up a bit and sees a black cat with golden eyes have a cut on its leg, she picks it up, "You're coming home with me. I can't bear to leave you little handsome one here all alone and injured."

She picks up the cat and carries the cat to her home. Macaque looks up at her and thought to himself how she is quite the pretty woman but seems weak. He rubs herself to her chest, and this made her look down at him. Miao's pink lips smile down at him, "Don't worry, little handsome one. I will take care of you very well tonight!"

Macaque wanted to scoff at her unbearable kindness to him but held it in, and is curious about where she is taking him. Miao's white phone with little lotus flowers rang, she grabs it and picks it up, "Sorry, dear. I have something happening on my end, and I won't be able to train you today. Bye-bye, and rest up!"

Miao pets his head, "Now you got me! You will be taken care of from your wounds and have food! Have warm food and a bed to sleep in! Doesn't that sound exciting!"

Macaque just nods but can't help but feel weird being treated as if he were a child. They ended up in a flower shop, and he sees it was a small one with many flowers decorated in the white marbled entrance. The glass had its name 'Miao's Flower Boutique' in beautiful calligraphy as if someone has painted it with white paint with pink flowers decorating the sides.

Miao places Macaque down on the counter and goes through the many drawers underneath them, "It must be around here somewhere..." Then she stands up straight and holds out the bandages in glee, "Aha! I knew I have them." Miao dashes somewhere in her shop and grabs some aloe, she snaps one in half to spread the stickiness in the said bandages, "I am not a doctor, but hope this helps, cutie."

Miao picks Macaque up and goes upstairs where she lives in, "Now before the bandages, let's give you a bath!"

Macaque widens his eyes at this, and the two open the cream-colored door to show a small apartment with a small kitchen, a small living room, and a small hallway leading to the bathroom and bedroom. Miao takes him to where the bathroom is and prepares the bath, and places Macaque in the bathtub of warm water. Macaque keeps quiet and stares at the woman bathing him with a gentle smile, and scrubbing the dirt and his cut on his stomach gently.

"Hmm, I see the color purple suits you, little one," Miao drains the tub of murky water and grabs Macaque in a towel, putting him in an Indigo collar. Macaque looks up at her confused, which made Miao giggle, "You are not the only stray I bring to my home. You're unique since I never had cats with golden eyes before."

Miao drys him off and begins to wrap the bandages with aloe on his stomach. Macaque hissed but Miao pets him and kisses his head, making Macaque flustered at that by looking at her in shock. Miao just smiles at him and gently places the bandage on his stomach, "Don't worry, it only hurts a bit but it'll be soothing soon. Also, I should give you a name before you find a proper home."

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