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Mioko was packing her clothes back into her bag to arrive back to Japan. It was early morning and she was still in a groggy state, so the clothes she placed in her bag was fumbled and wrinkled. Slipping on her boots she yawned while having trouble zipping her bag closed.

“Mom!” She hollered with some trouble and so her mother arrived into the room looking curious then saw the state of the bag.

“Who taught you how to pack?” Her mother questioned and walked over the disastrously packed bag then unzipped what was zipped then looked over the terrible work.

“You did.” Mioko replied tired fully.

“I’m sure.” Her mother rolled her eyes then repacked the bag only to have it easily zip to a close.

“Yay.” Mioko tiredly waved her arms happily then leaned on her mother, “Can you drive me to the airport?”

“Of course.” Her mother sighed and walked out of the room while Mioko rolled the bag into the kitchen to hear the clink of the keys then followed her mother outside towards the vehicle so that they could go to the airport in order for Mioko to get back ‘home’, to get back ‘home’ where the competition would start, where the wonderful relationship of Maya and Mioko would blossom.


“Do you really have to leave?” Her mother frowned just getting used to her daughter being around.

“Yes mom, I have to get back to my job.”

“You have a job?”

“Yes” Mioko sighed, “And it pays well.”

“Do you have your own place?”

“A pretty spiffy apartment if I do say so myself.” Mioko grinned and waved towards her mother then skipped towards the plane she would be boarding. Giving her ticket for checking she hummed then walked up and into the plane of wonders as Mioko put it. She always did enjoy planes, but was hesitant to look outside since she always thought the large clouds would swallow the plane.


Maya was busy continuously checking the time while Aiji was growing annoyed at Maya’s frantic movements. His friend was never patient which was at times amusing, but others like now it was obnoxious.

“Maya!” Aiji shouted causing Maya to halt then slowly look over to Aiji with a puppy filled pout.

“But I can’t wait!” Maya wailed and plopped down on the couch pretending to cry since Aiji had shouted.

“Don’t be such a baby; she’ll be here sooner or later.”

“We should meet her at the airport!!” Yuriko bounded into their apartment with a grin.

“How did you get into here?” Aiji questioned actually happy to see her, but blinked seeing that she was now holding up their apartment house key which caused him to quirk a brow, “How did you get that?”

                “Well, when you weren’t looking I slipped my hand into your pocket and found this.” She sang while skipping around, and it was like Maya was getting his energy back in that instant so he began to skip around the room with Yuriko.

“Wait-“ Aiji paused and thought back to when she could have gotten the key then narrowed his eyes remembering when they were frenching in the hallway the other day and roughly sighed when he remembered her hands were more adventurous than usual.

“You figure it out yet?” Yuriko gave a Cheshire grin causing a blush to appear on Aiji’s face so he simply looked away feeling like he had lost some dignity. It was Yuriko’s fault anyway that she always had that effect on him. It was like she could always get in that thick skull of his.

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