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Rosemary was trying to look in the babies ears but he wouldn't stop moving or crying.

"How close to the explosion was he?" Derek asked the father.

"Oh, we were, uh, we were in the living room, his mom was in the kitchen"

Rosemary glanced at the father and she had a gut feeling he was lying.

"The gas line blew?"

"I-I think it was the stove"

"All right, we're gonna run some tests on your baby" Rosemary told the father.

"Shepherd, I'm going into surgery with the chief. Keep me posted"

Rosemary looked at her brother and nodded her head and then looked back to the baby.

Rosemary then walked to where Brian was to check up on him.

"Come on, B. It's okay. Brian, I'm here. It's okay, sweetheart. Brain, stop crying, baby. I can't-- I can't think, baby. I'm-- why won't he stop crying?"

"Whoa" Rosemary said and picked Brain up, and started to talk him and slightly sway him back to try and calm him down.

"Dr. Shepard. C.T. Results. Should I page other Shepherd?"

"No, he's in surgery. Let me take a look" Rosemary said looking closer at it.

"What do you see?"

"Uh, there's nothing acute"

"Acute? Nothing? So-- So he's gonna be okay, right?"

"yeah, I'm gonna-- I need to run a couple more tests, okay?" Rosemary kissed Brain's head and then leaned over to the nurse. "Schedule an M.R.I. And have the lab run a to screen on Brain's blood"


"Because I said? Nancy Drew. Just do it"

Rosemary was now in the room where Brain is.

"Dr. Shepherd"

Rosemary looked over at the door and walked closer. "Lab work?" she asked and looked at the lab work.

"It's crazy, isn't it?"

"Stay here. Stay in this room and do not leave. Do not leave that man alone with that child" Rosemary said and walked out of the room, and made her way to O.R. where her brother is.

Rosemary put her scrub cap on and grabbed a mask and held it up to her face to cover her nose and mouth.

"Chief. The 1-year-old-- Brian Kristler? He's strung out on meth"

"What?" Derek asked looking at Rosemary.

"Yeah, it was a meth lab that blew up. This woman and her husband are running a meth lab"

Webber let out a sigh and shook how head.

"Ah, yes. The joys of Surgeondom saving the lives for those who deserve it the most" Derek said.

"Tell Dr. Torres to follow exposure protocol for children. Tell her I all counting on her to take care of this"

Rosemary nodded her head. "Got it" she said and turned around to walk out of the O.R.

Rosemary was walking with Callie telling her about Brian.

"They were shooting him up--"

Rosemary shook her head. "No, they weren't shooting him up. When you cook meth, the fumes, they coat the walls, the floors. The baby walks around, crawls around, puts it's hands in it's mouth, it gets in his bloodstream"

"God. Okay, um, call the police and social services. I'll spread the word"

"Wait, what about the dad? He still in there"

"You call the police and social services. You let them take care of the dad. You take care of the baby" Callie said to Rosemary.

Rosemary sighed and walked away.

Rosemary was leaning over the crib Brian is in and trying to put a needle in his arm for some fluids.

"That's a really big needle, man. Do you have to use such a big needle?"

"His I.V. came out, and he needs to be hydrated"

"Okay, okay. Look, I'm-- Look, I'm just-- I'm freaking out a little bit here. I mean, do you think you get me an update on my wife?"

"Your wife has a crater in her abdomen, so even if she does survive surgery, it's gonna be a long, hard, painful recovery" Rosemary said not looking up from Brian.

"She's gonna be okay, right? I mean, she's gotta be okay. Wh-- Brian, please, sweetheart, look at me. Brian, okay, stop crying. Brian, please. Brian, stop crying!"

"He can't stop crying! Okay? He can't stop crying because his nervous system is shot. He can't stop crying because his brain and his heart and his renal system are all compromised. He can't stop crying because he's in withdrawal from crystal meth, you son of a bitch" Rosemary said glaring at him.

"No, no. That's impossible. He wasn't in the room when we were making it"

"It was all over your apartment, Okay? I tested him 'cause I smelled it on his skin"

"I love my son. Okay, we-- we were broke. I lost my job. But I don't use drugs. And I'm a good dad, and I love my family"

"Well, now you can love your family from jail"

Dave looked at Rosemary and then punched her in the face and Rosemary stumbled back and fell to the ground and got knocked out. Dave then picked up Brian from his crib and walked out of the room.

Rosemary was sitting in a chair with Meredith behind her getting stuff out of her hair.

"So the happy little family makes meth"

"There's no such thing as a happy family"

Cristina was pacing back and forth.

"What's with her?" Rosemary asked.

"Well, mama Burke is here, and we don't know why. My guess is that she's here to kill Cristina. She's hovering again" Meredith said.

"If you're done with the charts, go fold something, like, you know, sheets" Cristina said to her interns.

Rosemary's pager then went off. "Oh, the police want to talk to me" she said and got up and made her way to where the police are.

Edited: no


𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙼𝚎, 𝚄𝚜, 𝚃𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 (𝙻𝚎𝚡𝚒 𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚢 & 𝙹𝚘 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora