Introduction to Trumpy-san

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As I twist in my bed, trying to get comfortable, I slam my head on the wall on accident. "HRAAAAAAAAAAA... MMRAASASAA!!! Gee willikers, that surely do be hurtin' tho." I fling the cover off of me and stand in the mirror to admire myself. I love to talk to myself in the mirror. It's my biggest hobby because I'm the best. And who doesn't wanna stare at me all day.

"Hello, I am president Donald Trumpy-san, and I love to discriminate against people. I am also going to be a freshman in War Criminal High. " It's one of my best lines to murmur to myself. I just loooovvvee talking to myself. Anyways today is another day of summer break, school creeping around the corner, like my ugly step sister. She wishes she was me, I mean, who wouldn't?

I adorn my tuxedo with my fluffy cat thigh highs, and I can't forget my cat tail butt plug. Today is going to be a good day. I throw on heavy amounts of mascara. I spray so much choking amounts of perfume it might as well be a gas chamber. I stare into my beautiful pink eyes as they sparkle in the sun.

I run downstairs with my face full of makeup and me being caked up. Glitter follows me down the stairs. I get a big bowl of raisen brand cereal. I replace the milk with horse cum because it's expensive and flonts my wealth very nicely.

While im eating, I ask for a diet coke, but my shitty ass servant Rebecca came to tell me we ran out of Diet Coke. BECAUSE SHE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO DO HER FUCKING JOB. So I made her get on all on all fours in a pool of frozen peas and told her, "YOU CAN GET OUT WHEN YOU CAN DO YOUR FUCKING JOB RIGHT AND YOUR JOB RIGHT NOW IS TO SQAUSH EVERY TINY LITTLE PEA OR YOUR DEA- FIRED!"

After she squashed all the peas she tried to talk to the health and safety department so i whipped her 20 times in a row. And because she made me put effort into punishing her, she has to eat egg shells for a year.

Later, I asked my beautiful maid, Tyler, and he got me Pepsi, so I put him with the slaves who mined oil for me until I had them executed by firing squad on Wednesday. It's a shame, Tyler was a cutie, I loved sexaully harassing him hourly. But it's okay, Daddy knows how I like them, so he'll find a replacement soon.

Tyler dying reminded me of when Daddy kicked Mommy out because she cheated on him with one of Daddy's regular hookers. Every single one of Daddys hookers is a guy. Daddy says gay is evil, tho so idk. 5 days after Daddy found out, Mommy died of mysterious circumstances. I miss Mommy. But the new Mommy is better.

Recently me and this guy from my 8th grade class keep getting in fights. He's annoying he won't leave me alone. I heard he got held back in 7th grade for 69 years. I never really liked him much because he touched me weird in the boys' bathroom during 7th grade. But now he's trying to steal my popularity, and that 10x worse. He's starting to piss me off. He smells like fine old brandy mixed with extremely moldy cheese. I don't think he's showered recently.

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