16- Middle Conflict

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I was called to Deschênes's office just to be assigned to team up with Ren.

A sort of collaboration between her group and the underground government due to the uprising conflict going on between two other gangs and an organization of abroad causing a teeny tiny war only in our area, in which the overground government ordered us NOT to get mixed up in or even intervene

The enemy from abroad was never actually figured out who exactly, but the start of it all was some childhood grudge against the other


'Where the heck is Ren'

Don't ask me ask yourself

'You are myself!??'


'What. What do you want me to do. Default, you suck'

There were bombings everywhere as I steadily ran onto the tampered ground avoiding the bombs as I continued searching for supposedly a partner of mine, who's supposed to be with me right now.

I noticed Siren mixed up in the area. She was somehow busy.. reading? Sitting somewhere isolated yes, but it's not safe around the areas

"Siren?" I approached her making her lift her head up from the book the was reading.. now that I take a closer look.. it's the Bible?

"Hm? What are you doing here Yin?"

"You know it's not safe around here right now right? Do you mind if I introduce to you a uh.. a much safer place rather.. that chunk of debris?" I smiled holding my hand out in the most butler looking way possible. I had thing for doing it.

"Ah.. I see. Why not?" She was deep in thought before she agreed holding my hand as she got up

I led her to the building in where I first met Deschênes.


It had only been a few weeks as the conflict between the two groups finally ended with one being silenced by the other.

Usual and simple talks really.

But the unfortunate thing was.. there was a recovery of that conflict
Another person wanted revenge so it still wasn't over..

"Yin, would you like to introduce your new friend to me?"

"Uh-" my eyes widened not noticing Deschênes to be behind me as I turned around looking at him with my usual grin

I cleared my throat doing a small 'ahem' before speaking like usual "this is Siren. Siren, this is Deschênes Florent, the manager of this area."

He was now raising a brow expectantly. This guy..

I could only feign a happy chuckle as I felt that the poor woman was already distressed with this place that isn't supposed to exist since the government, more known as the Last Monarch, never announced anything..

Oh? Poor? Since when did you give sympathy for any person?

'You could be the cause. :)'


Have you ever felt like something was stuck in your throat and you couldn't breathe anymore? You cant speak? And you're just frozen in place as something, or someone was choking you entirely?

That was how I felt when Ren walked through the door being chased by one of the people's men who was involved in the tiny war..

ah, so that's where she was. Can't say I didn't have a hunch though.

'Default, i'd rather you shut your trap.'

Aish was probably more shocked than me as the three people who were only current in the room was the boss, me, and her.

A 15 year old entering the area almost being shot in the head by a grown man. Ironic isn't it?

Ren shot the man in the head before kicking them to the ground.

"Well that was something." I let out a chuckle staring at the body

Ren was shot in multiple areas, Aish had to take a break from seeing children with blood on their hands.


The few other days passed by with Aish staying with us for now

That was until a certain somebody had to cross an invisible line..

I was walking along the hallways of the multiple "torture" rooms, as we like to call it

That was of course until my undying rage of a rainstorm in my head paused as I heard my dear guest let out a loud gasp as she stared at one of the men who were a comrade of the man who was fighting Ren earlier

This is gonna be funny,

'When will you shut up, default?'


I creeped up from her shoulder as I whispered over to Siren in a 'curious' tone, of course I wasn't, I had a hunch of what she was about to say actually..

"Soo... What are you doing here Aish?? Did you get lost?" I said this, feigning my curiosity from my question. For all I know, I gathered that she's a rather sensitive, good willed person. Not for this area of the government, it's basically an illegal military.

She is agile though, has siblings, guessing from her handling me quite well, unless she is naturally good with kids.

"Say... Yin, you did mention that Ren was a friend of yours.. right?"

I laughed quietly before speaking, "haha, yes I did-"

"Yin, get your ass over here and interrogate the hell out of this man. You do the rest of the work, I'm tired." Ren interrupted me causing me to turn my head over to her with a blank look until I heard Siren stammer

"Right.. uh I'm sorry but I don't think I should stay here really, I'm thankful for you helping me Yin, but I really should go.. I feel like I'm invading a bit too much haha.. and Ren, please, I hope you don't stay this way in the future.." with that, Siren hurriedly walked away from the scene

"But you cant leave- oh nevermind. Besides, those doors are locked.. i'll have to open them.."

I left Ren before chasing after Siren, in which when I catched up to her..

I bumped into Deschênes making me look at him with a grin

"Don't get in my way, or let her out, sir. She will die." I shoved pass him before running quickly towards Siren

You have earned yourself a weakness, no, you will not be able to live another life which is full of light through her. She is not destined to lead you that way.

'Then if she dies, who in the world will?'

Didn't you wonder yourself? Why bother when it's all going away?



My face was met with a drop of blood before I was pulled back by Deschênes as the guards closed the door while I caught a glimpse..

A glimpse of what made that one door of hope and warmth crack...

"AISH NO-!!" When have I ever used my voice this way?

This is so unlike you

Siren's dead body laid in the snow as it was shot way too many times in different areas, her look of worry


Hm, what made her worry?

All I know is that she was killed before she could even notice.

Why was she?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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