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I woke up in a strange metal box, that after a few seconds I realised was hurtling upwards. I quickly jumped up and started looking for a way out. After I realised there was no way out I started looking around me, my eyes had adjusted to the dark so I could see I was surrounded by crates and boxes. I started looking around and after a few moment I found two knives with holsters, I looked down and saw I was wearing khaki cargo pants and a light grey tank top with black combat boots and slipped the knives into my boots , so I could easily reach them if I needed them.

I looked up and saw a door above the box, but it wasn't open and I was about to crash into it. I ducked down behind a barrel and squeezed my eyes shut and prepared myself for the crash, but it never came. I looked up again and saw the box had stopped just before hitting the doors. Suddenly, the doors opened and light came flooding in. I quickly ducked down again when I heard voices above me, I didn't think they'd seen me.

The box suddenly shook a little as someone jumped into the box. "Hey Alby, there's no greenie down here!" the boy yelled out. 

 "What do you mean there's no greenie Newt" a boy, most likely Alby yelled back.

"I mean there is no one down here, just supplies" the boy called Newt yelled back to him.

"Ok, we'll deal with that later, for now just get the supplies out" the boy said.

shit. supplies. Like the ones I was currently hiding behind. I knew I had no choice I had to get up and run.

I quickly got up from the corner as Newt turned around I saw him jump a little, I stared at him for a second before I turned and jumped on one of the barrels and then jumped out of the box. I looked around and saw a group of boys talking on the other side of the box. An muscly, Asian kid looked up from where he was talking to a brown haired boy and spotted me. Just then Newt climbed up from the box and the Asian kid said with a smirk "looks like you found the greenie Newt." "shut up Minho" Newt muttered. The other boys had turned around and were now looking directly at me. "It's a girl," the brown haired boy muttered not very quietly, "shh, Thomas" the Asian boy ,Minho, muttered. The Thomas kid pouted like a 5 year old. Without any warning, I suddenly took off running, I managed a quick look behind me as I ran and saw the Minho guy and the boy called Thomas were running after me, not that very far behind, and the others behind them.

Just then someone came running at me from the side and pushed me over with them landing on top of me, he was holding my arms down to stop me trying to get up and run, but I noticed he wasn't holding my legs down so I brought my knees up to my chest and kicked him in the gut. He went flying off me and I got up and quickly started running again, I didn't know where I was running to,  but I saw a big door in the tall walls that surrounded this place I was in and started running towards that. I heard someone behind me yell "She's heading for the maze" I had no idea what that meant but I continued to run towards the opening in the walls.

Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and lifted me off the ground and someone else grabbed my legs. I turned out to be Minho and Newt. Minho was dangling me in the air and Newt was holding my legs so I didn't kick Minho.

"Put her in the pit until tonight" a voice I recognized to be Alby's. 

Minho and Newt started to carry me to the pit and I tried to get out of Minho's grip, but he was too strong. When we reached the pits Newt dropped my legs to unlock the door and when he got it open Minho put me inside. "your staying here till the bonfire greenie" he said before leaving. Newt locked the door then followed him.

I sat there for a few minutes before I remembered I had knives on me that I could use to cut the rope they locked the door with. A few minutes later I was out of the pit. I didn't go towards the entrance to what they called the maze, instead I went towards one of the corners of the walls and I sat there thinking. I realised I knew nothing about myself except my name. Taylor.

A few hours later, I heard shouts coming from the direction I had escaped from. From a distance I heard "the girl's gone" though I couldn't make out who said it. Then I heard them searching everywhere.

One boy was searching the outside around the inside of the walls as they came closer I could see it was Newt. I was about to get up and run but I also wanted to know who they all were. I saw him spot me and come running over "Surprised you didn't run greenie." "Oh shut up" I said. "I'm Newt" he said. "Do you know your name yet" asked Newt. "Yeah, Taylor" I said. "Well" said Newt "nice to meet you Taylor."

THE MAZE RUNNER X THE HUNGER GAMESWhere stories live. Discover now