Chapter 1: The foxes and the Wachowskis/Enter the Blue Devil

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Green Hills is one of the most amazing places you'll ever see. At a preschool, all kids were dying to come out to their parents.

One was an anthropomorphic fox with two tails and metal ones, that curled around his original ones. Needless to say, the kid was waiting outside for someone, as two other foxes, one that's dressed up as a pirate and one a jungle person, on four legs, but still anthropomorphic, walked out.

"Took you long enough..." the fox muttered.

"Geez... It was hard to get in, okay? You were lucky to come out first." the pirate fox said. The jungle fox whimpered.

"Ugh... let's get home. Maddie will be back from her shift when we get home." the fox growled, walking off as the other two followed.

They knew where they were going, only to prove they were the only anthropomorphic foxes that everyone lived with. They finally arrived at their home and waited.

"You seem upset as of lately." the pirate said. "Somethin' botherin' ye, Nine?"

Nine looked up at the pirate. "No, just wondering why Crazy Carl believes in this silly 'Blue Devil' nonsense, Sails! It still bugs me."

Sails crossed his arms. "Well, if ye want to know, we're the only mobians Green Hills ever counted on. Mangey's here too, y'know."

Nine only rolled his eyes, completely annoyed.


It was dark, after Maddie came home after her shift. Nine decided to play a video game in his room for a while. He heard Mangey yip and yap, when he saw a car coming in.

"I guess Tom's back from his duties..." he muttered as he walked into the living room, where Sails and Mangey are.

Tom then entered the house and called "Maddie, as Green Hills' most respected veterinarian, what is the fastest way to exterminate a raccoon?" The family dog, Ozzy, then approches him and the sheriff pets him.

Nine just rolled his eyes. He, Sails and Mangey look over to see Maddie holding a letter, which caught Tom's attention.

"What's that?" the sheriff asked. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Uh-huh." She gave it to her husband. "Open it."

"It's kinda small. Is it really that bad?"

"Just... open it."

The 3 foxes went over and sat down, looking at the letter Tom is about to read.

"Dear Thomas, we have reviewed application to the San Francisco Police Department, we are happy to inform you that you have been selected to join our team." He read outload,  leaving Nine surprised and Sails, Mangey and Maddie excited. "Wow. Oh my god."

Maddie then brings out a box, opening it, reviling a cake. "Ta-da."

"San Francisco sucks?" Nine read the letters, smirking in amusement.

"Oh, wrong one!" the vet realized as she putted the right cake in the other's place. "Ta-da."

"You and the boys never had a doubted, huh?"  the sheriff chuckled.

"No way, Tom. No way." Sails said, leaving the foxes happy for the Wachowskis.

'But what about us? I feel like we're part of the family too.' Nine thought to himself, as the married couple noticed the laptop on the site Zillow.

"What are those?" Tom asked.

"Apartment argents Nine and I found on Zillow. I thought Ozzy and I could go there tomorrow and check out some neighbourhoods." Maddie answered.

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