Daisy -

I thought that getting married was supposed to be something spectacular but not entirely true especially if you were a product of a mafia and if you're a girl.

You really don't have any choice in the matter on who you marry, it always goes down to your parents.

It is always up to them to choose who they want you to be married with. And especially for me being married off to the most dangerous man with all of Greece and possibly the world for peace.

I had no choice in the matter on choosing anything for the wedding because it was all planned by him, the only thing that I could do was just show up and accept him. I felt like I was drowning in the inside and no one could hear me.

After the whole ceremony was over of the wedding and bringing everything to a truce everybody was able to breathe again and not to be afraid of anything anymore.

I was taken immediately after the ceremony to go back to the house to change out of the dress that was chosen for me into something more comfortable.

And I was taken out of the house place into a car and take into the airport back on his private plane once again.

The only thing that I can think of is that the reason why I am on this plane is because the honeymoon. I have no idea where he's going to take me to this honeymoon I don't know why I guess I just have to wait and see what he has to in store for me.

Sitting in one of the chairs on a plane just waiting for him to arrive to get this over with more or less I saw a car pull up onto the tarmac where I saw him getting out of the car buttoning up his tux.

My eyes never left him for one second as I saw him entering the plane without any care in the world. He took a seat right in front of me and he never took his eyes off of me also.

I wanted to ask where we were going to go but I kept silent, and I'm pretty sure that he would not tell me anyways if I asked him. The plane took off making my anxiety rise a little bit, I do not like not knowing what it's going to happen.

I kept my eyes on the window looking out seeing the Beautiful scenes that passed me by. I stayed awake the entire time on the plane just waiting for it to land so I can leave it. When the plane did land I got out of the plan with a quickness.

When I got out of the plane I was able to see a row of vehicles lined up on the tarmac, many men standing around with guns strapped to them.

I was stunned to see that many standing around like they were, staying still gave Lazarus the time to make his way towards me.

I knew that he was behind me because I felt the sheer anger coming off of him as I felt it on my back.

" Welcome to our honeymoon". Lazarus said

The Devil : Book five Where stories live. Discover now