Chapter 10 : The Final Battle of Belobog!

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[While all of them are preparing themselves for the next step of their journey, Seele grunts while standing beside Elysia.]
Seele: "I gotta admit, I had a lot of... misunderstandings... about the Silvermane Guards. They're fighting for survival here every day, just like Wildfire. The difference is we're making a stand for freedom... while they're just carrying out orders."
Elysia: "That's why we have to try and put ourselves in their shoes."

[Seele scratches her hair in annoyance. She knows what Elysia said is true, but...]
Seele: "Easier said than done, Miss Elysia! Everyone has their struggles, but how can we understand them if we can't even see each other?"
Elysia: "Hehe~ I guess you do understand Bronya's struggles, huh? More like... You really care about her."

[Seele blushed a little. She tries to hide it, but Elysia can see it as she smiles.]
Elysia: "Hee~"
Seele: "O-O-Of course I do, I've understood them for a while now. But as far as I can tell, she doesn't need other people's understanding. She needs to understand her own heart. It's the same with Gepard. I could tell it took a lot for him to lay down his arms."

[Seele sighed. Elysia pats her shoulder and nods at her.]
Elysia: "It's time to finish this. Stellaron must be sealed."
Seele: "I think I can already hear the storm on the other side of the city walls... Not a reassuring sound. I hope Serval's right... That supreme lunatic better not have harmed Bronya."

[Stelle overhears the conversation between Seele and Elysia. At the same time, Serval pats Stelle's shoulder to get her attention.]
Serval: "You see? Brothers and sisters need to have a scrap once in a while to get back on good terms."
Stelle: "Um... Sorry for getting you involved in this."

[Serval sighed in annoyance. She already heard too much apology for today.]
Serval: "Agh, enough apologizing. My ears can't take any more. Honestly, this would have happened sooner or later. You just gave me an excuse to bring everything forward."

[Serval chuckles again. And at the same time, Stelle seems impressed by how Serval and Gepard co-exist.]
Stelle: "So... this is how brothers and sisters normally coexist?"
Serval: "What's wrong with a bit of violent coexistence between siblings? Seems pretty normal to me. Hehe, I'm pulling your leg. Since I left the military, my brother and I have always steered clear of certain sensitive topics... Thinking about it, perhaps he's just been looking out for my feelings, shielding me all along. Knowing my temper, my brother almost certainly went to great lengths on many occasions for me. I should be thanking him."

[Stelle smiles and nods. She wanted to see more of the teamwork of Landau siblings.]
Stelle: "Let the Stellaron hunt begin."
Serval: "Let's do this. I may never have come face to face with it, but this Stellaron cost me a nice, stable job. It's time to get even. Actually, I have another selfish motive... I want to prove to Cocolia that I was right. Once we've taken care of the Stellaron... maybe she'll go back to how she was."

[All of them starts gathered. They all nods at each other. And...]
Gepard: "As soon as the restricted zone gate is open, the monsters on the other side will turn out in full force. The Guards will do their best to stall them and buy you some time. Once you've broken through the front line... there's nothing more we can do for you. You'll have to find out for yourselves what lies within the northern Fragmentum. So... have you made up your minds?"
Elysia: "We're ready."

[Gepard nods as they are ready. He holds his weapon tight despite the injury he sustain.]
Gepard: "Understood. Keep your weapons close. This will be a fierce fight. Guards! Open the gate!"

[Two of Gepard's subordinate had the gate opened and monsters appear. Some of them seems shocked by their sheer numbers.]
Serval: "Are you dealing with attacks like this every day?"
Gepard: "It's a common occurrence. Guards, formation!"

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