"Maggie and Fred's," Harry says.

"Oh if those two head upstairs I go to the Hufflepuff dorms," Lee says. "But then Cedric's roommates have to clear out"

"You're all disgusting," Ron grimaces.

"Lee, you're upsetting him," Cedric says. "But honestly Ron, it's as natural as breathing. How do you think you came into the world?"

"Merlin's bollocks,"

Ron groans, dropping his head onto the table as the older students laugh at his despair.

"Hogwarts is a place of learning Ron," Lee grins at the redhead.

Cedric pats Ron on the back sympathetically. "It's a part of life, Ron. Nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Easy for you to say," Ron mutters into the table, his face still obscured by his hands.

"What have you said to him?" Hermione asks the students when she spots Ron with his head against the table.

"We were just discussing the birds and the bees," Fred says with a cheeky grin.

Hermione rolls her eyes. "At the dinner table, really?"

"It's an essential part of life education," Lee insists, his tone faux-serious.

Ron lifts his head from the table, his expression a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "Can we please talk about something else?"

Hermione sighs, shooting a disapproving look at the older students. "You're not making this easy for him, are you?"

"It's all in good fun, Hermione," Fred grins, reaching over to give Ron a playful nudge.

"Fun for you, maybe," Ron mutters.

"Cheesecake!" Maggie gasps, staring at the dessert.

"Here," Lee slides her a plate with a slice of cheesecake on it.

Maggie smiles at the boy before her eyes move to the large table at the top. Her grandfather was sitting next to Percy Weasley, after his notable absence from the Ball. His face was full of disapproval as his eyes moved to the dessert in front of Maggie.

The blonde's heart sinks and she pushes the plate away, smiling weakly as she pats her stomach to feign being full. The others laugh but Fred and George both look up at her grandfather, hard glares on their faces.

"I need some air," Maggie rises from the table and Fred begins to do the same. "No, stay"


"I'll be back in a minute," Maggie smiles at him. "Promise"

Fred nods and he watches as Maggie walks away, her head hanging low as she slips out of the Great Hall. Her footsteps were hurried as she enters the abandoned bathroom, slipping into a cubicle as she sobs quietly.

"Why do you cry so, Maggie?"

Maggie looks up at the bespectacled ghost that had joined her in the toilet cubicle before wiping under her eyes. But her eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, making it impossible to hide her misery.

"Are you sad?"

"Sometimes," Maggie nods, resting her head against the wall. "Sorry to disturb you, Myrtle"

"It's no bother," The ghost shrugs. "I much prefer this to students who come in to tease me about being a toilet ghost. Not you being sad, I mean someone being kind for once"

"You don't have to stay you know?" Maggie says.

"I don't leave sad people alone," Myrtle says. "That's my existence and it's very sad"

"You're very sweet Myrtle," Maggie smiles at the ghost.

"Is it your grandfather? Sorry, I am very nosy. Not much else to do when you're a ghost,"

"I suppose it's not so much him as a person but the fact that he still has power over me. I still love him, is that odd?"

"No," Myrtle shakes her head. "He's your family. Sometimes you feel like you're obligated to love them or sometimes you love them despite who they are, what they've done. It doesn't just apply to family"

"You sound like you're talking from experience," Maggie says.

"I am,"

"You loved him?" Maggie asks.

Myrtle's story had become well known since the whole Chamber of Secrets fiasco. Voldemort's first victim, even if he didn't actually kill her himself. The girl had merely been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"I'd call it a crush," Myrtle replies. "He was handsome, unattainable-"

"Forbidden fruit?" Maggie asks with a soft smile.

"I suppose you sort of know the feeling. I mean your grandfather surely doesn't approve of you and troublemaker clone one,"

"He wants the Crouch name distanced from my father but he hasn't quite grasped that history just can't be erased,"

"People are complicated, Maggie. Even family. And sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to love them from a distance."

"I just wish he could see me for who I am, not just as an extension of my mother," Maggie admits, her voice filled with longing. "Using her name to try and salvage his reputation"

Myrtle nods sympathetically. "It's a struggle many face. But remember, you have people who see you for yourself, not for your family name,"

 But remember, you have people who see you for yourself, not for your family name,"

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