"I'll tell you I'll tell you!" You chuckle some more. "He asks about your favourite colour, what kind of dresses you like, the name of your perfume, what type of guy you like. Stuff like that."

She looks at her feet, as if to hide her face. "I can't believe it."

"Well I can. Aurianna you're seriously beautiful, you're funny, and despite what other people say about you being mean, it's not true. You're just blunt. And I think Matteo really likes that about you. You should go for it."

"Okay... thanks Y/N."

"Anytime. Have you made your decision?"

"I think so.. yes."


"I think I'm gonna go say yes." She mumbled.

"Then go. The bell's going to ring soon." You grab her by the shoulders and turn her around.

She nods and heads off.

You sit down near the fountain of the courtyard smiling to yourself. Even though you weren't the one who got asked out, it just made you happy. Not just happy for your friend, obviously, but as a hopeless romantic you just found it all cute.

"Well aren't you a pretty princess?" Tristan sits down next to you.

You almost fall in the water from being startled. "Can you stop doing that?"

"What's got you smiling like that? Were you thinking of me?" He inches closer to you.

You scoff. "Nope."

"Yeah right."

Matteo walks up to the two of you.

You look at him confused. "Matteo? What are you doing here?"

"Have you seen Aurianna?" He asks, without answering your question, he looks to be in a rush.

"She just went looking for you." You say and he can't help but smile in reply.

"Yeah?" He grins. "Where'd she go?"

"Over there." You point.

He mutters a thank you before lightly jogging away.

You laugh.

"What's up with those two?" Tristan asks, without a smile for once.

"Aurianna and Matteo?" You ask and he nods in reply. "Matteo asked her to be his valentine."

He chuckles. "Hope he has some tissues ready. She's gonna make him cry."

You smile with your eyes closed and shrugged. "I wouldn't count on it."

"And you? Did someone ask you?"

"No not yet. But I don't think anyone will." You say.

"Why not?" He questions.

"I don't really talk to any boys. Besides you."

"Good." He says with a grin. "And me? Don't you think I'd ask you?"

"I mean you did ask me for the gala so maybe but I'm not sure. Why? Plan on asking me out again?"

He laughs at your smart retort but his smile fades shortly after. "Not this time princess."

"Oh. Guess you got a taste of me and you didn't like it?" You chuckled despite being a bit hurt.

"Don't even joke about that." He says with a serious expression. He clears his throat. "My dad he—" he sighs in frustration. "He wants me to go out with one of his business partner's daughter. I tried to say no but he insisted."

"Oh. Have you asked her yet?" You asked.

"No.. not yet. But she's been staring at me all day." He rests his face in his hands as his elbows rest on his knees.

You put a hand on his shoulder while laughing. "Come on don't be so pessimistic. I'm sure she's nice. And pretty. I haven't seen a single ugly girl in this school."

"I don't care what she's like. She's not the one I want to go out with."

"In my opinion, you should just get this over with. Go ask her right now."


The bell rings.

Your eyes widen. "I've got to go get my books. Good luck." You give him a thumbs up before rushing away.

He smiles to himself like an idiot as he watches you leave.


𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑; T. Dugray Where stories live. Discover now