Chapter Nine

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My chest heaved with every breath as I finally climbed off Emory and lay next to him on the bed. Despite the fear he had in his eyes earlier, it seemed it had all been forgotten since. He turned to face me, placing an arm over my body, and pulled me closer to his. I couldn't help but nuzzle myself against his chest.

His cool skin felt amazing against my own. Because of the little light that found its way through my window from the streetlight, I couldn't help laughing when I realized steam was rising from our bodies. It was just what we needed to break the ice and be able to talk about what had just happened. We might have been destined to be together, but it didn't change the fact that we knew very little about each other and what our mating meant for us and the people closest to us.

"Emory," I whispered, "If... If I'm being honest, I've never made love like that before or for that long." My cheeks burned at the confession.

"Honestly, neither have I. In the past, it was always just about my pleasure. Not caring if I satisfied the other person in the end, but finishing was the last thing I wanted to do with you. Then, the urge to mark you overtook me, and nothing else mattered--making sure you were pleased--and marking you, that's all I wanted." He took in a deep breath.

As the night continued, so did our conversations. Now that we are mated, it only made sense that we got to know one another as much as possible. I didn't want this night to end. It was too perfect.

"So, you've only ever been with vampires?" The question alone filled my heart with curiosity and a bit of dread as I asked.

"Yes. At first, it was because of our supernatural laws. When they became more lenient, it was more so because vampires were all I knew. I was afraid that I would hurt other beings. I didn't want to risk it. You?"

"Same. I dated other Lycans on the reserve, but Antonio was my first and only one. The rest was history. Bad history."

Emory held me tighter. "Well, it's all good from here on out, Querida (Dear). I promise you that." He placed a finger under my chin, lifting my head so our gazes could meet, then he gave me a small kiss on the forehead.

"So, what changed your mind about taking a chance with me?" I asked slyly.
"You know the answer to that," he chuckled, "you did, of course." He nuzzled his nose in the crevice of my neck and shoulders, making his following words muffled. "Did you know?"

"You'll have to be a bit more clear," I chuckled lightly.

"That we were mated." My body shivered against his as his fingers traced the curves of my body.
"I knew I was mated to you, but I didn't know if you knew. I wasn't sure if vampires even mated as we did. It was something that I wanted to talk to you about. I just didn't know how to bring it up."

"We do," he said, "I had never heard of it happening within different species, though."

"Neither have I. Xoana and I knew there were interspecies relationships, but we never knew we could mate with them, especially now that it doesn't happen as often. Most Lycans can find someone to fall in love with, but they all say the same thing, that it isn't the same as being mated." My heart ached as my mind remembered all the conversations I had with other Lycans. They were in love, but there was always something missing. It made me wonder how much power our Goddess had when it came to mating.

"The vampires, too. After the war, many of our kind, of every kind, almost went extinct. That's when the mating went scarce. Falling in love feels amazing, but it is nothing compared to the bond of those destined to be."

"Are you disappointed?" My voice was low and cracked. Tears formed as I waited for his answer.

"Disappointed in what, exactly?" He smiled.

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