"if he did...he wouldn't have been taken hyung...damn it...do you have something or not?" I yelled taking him off guard.
"minho calm down..."
"stop telling me to calm down...i can't calm down when the men I love are missing...that woman could kill them any moment...so I can't freaking calm down" I said feeling my body shake...i am scared....i am so scared that something bad happened to them...
"are you sure you don't want to tell seungmin?" chan hyung asked.
"I am" I replied shaking my head.

I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket...i immediately took it out to check the message
"is it M?" chan hyung asked.
"no...it is Ahn" I whispered hiding the phone away" I...i need to go to him...it is urgent" I added taking my jacket.
"hyung...wait" changbin yelled but I did not stop...i need to leave...i need to get them back...i jumped inside the car driving as fast as I could not giving a chance for the others to come after me...i am coming...hyung is coming...just wait for me.

Han's pov
I felt a huge pain shot down my head as soon as I opened my eyes...i...where the hell...
"Felix....hyunjin" I yelled when I saw the two unconscious men next to me....i wanted to move but I couldn't my hands were handcuffed into the chair and so did theirs.
"baby...lix....hyunjin...damn it...wake up" I yelled trying to free myself." yes...hyunjin" I added when I saw the older move...
"jisung...shit" the other said groaning in pain" seunghee" he added with wide eyes.

"she took us" I murmured clenching my jaw.
"Felix did not wake up yet"I added looking at the younger.
"she drugged us." hyunjin said shaking his head"are you hurt anywhere?" he added scanning me.
"I have a headache...probably because of the gas...either than that my left leg hurts nothing more...you." I said.
"I am fine" he whispered looking at Felix" lix....felix....wake up"he added jumping with his chair to move closer to him.
"well well...well....you are awake... finally" seunghee said entering the room"Except one" she added chuckling

"I am going to kill you" I yelled trying to free myself.
"yes sure...leo"she said nodding her head at the man who entered the room...what she is doing.
"stay away for him" hyunjin said clenching his jaw as the man walked toward Felix.
"relax" seunghee said before the man threw a bucket of water on Felix jump him jump awake.
"Felix...are you okay?" I yelled as the other looked around confused.
"I...my head....what..." he stopped looking at seunghee who was smiling widely.
"now since all of you are awake...game is on" she said clapping her hands" I texted your hyung...he is coming" she added.

"leave him alone" hyunjin yelled.
"he killed my fiance why would I do that" she replied smiling widely...she is carzy..." as soon as he comes Leo here will take care of him" she added pointing at the man who was looking at us blankly.
"do you think minho hyung is stupid or what...he will know that this is a trap..."
"of course he does" seunghee said walking closer to me" but do you know what he is going to do my dear jisung" she added touching my face with her finger.
"back off " Felix growled at her.
"wow scary" she joked her eyes not leaving me" he will come right toward it...he knows it is a trap but he will come here with his own feet....why... because he is so blindly in love with all of you" she paused tilting her head" love makes us do stupid things...doesn't it?" she added.

"you are crazy" hyunjin said.
"I am...since all of you love each other that means you understand...how I feel...minho took the love of my life from me...it is only fair I do the same...an eye for an eye" she said smiling widely."but let's wait for him....to come...we are going to gave fun believe me" she added getting up.
"how?" hyunjin said making the woman look at him.
"how did you know that minho hyung was the one who killed him?" he added.
"hmmm" she hummed nodding  to herself" I guess since you are wondering...my baby had a hidden camera in his house...i saw it all...i saw how he killed him to save that one" she added pointing at me.

If she has footage of that day the police may arrest minho hyung for killing...and hyunjin for lying.
"from your face you are thinking about the footage and the police" seunghee said as if she had read my mind
"I understand that you are a mafia member but why didn't you leak the footage?" I asked making him bust into laughs.
"simple...i lost it" she said making me frown" my dear father erased it...he never liked my baby" she added.
"for a very good damn reason" felix said earning a glare from Seunghee.
"after I punished you...he will have his turn...he locked me away all these years thinking that he could stop me from taking revenge...but I will make all of you pay...just wait and see" she yelled walking out of the room.

"minho hyung and I learned that her relationship with her father is bad...i guess now we know why" hyunjin said gulping.
"and why she started this whole revenge game now" Felix said after him" he locked her away" he added.
"this is getting too much"I yelled" minho hyung is going to walk right into her trap guys." I added.
"if I could only reach my watch" hyunjin said trying to move his hand.
"why?" Felix asked.
" you see the bottom in the side...if I could hit it, it is going to send my location to chan hyung's phone...alongside an SOS message" he answered"it is just hard because of how my hand is locked" he added trying to move them.

"not the time but you are a spy...and I want to know all about it when we get out here" I said rolling my eyes.
"if" Felix murmured.
"what?" I asked.
"if we get out of here", the other said looking between us." this could be our end guys", he added.
"lix, don't say that...i will figure out something..."
"she is going to kill us damn it...we are handcuffed...we can't do a damn thing" Felix cut hyunjin off.
"boys" seunghee said entering the room again" look who is here?" she added before that man Leo come inside pushing minho hyung.

"hyung...damn it why?" hyunjin yelled.
"I am sorry" minho whispered sounding broke, I felt my eyes tear up when Leo hit him hard in the stomach making the older fall on his knees...he couldn't fight back...he can't.
"now...for the fun part" seunghee said taking her gun out" before you ask hyunjin...i know i said it is boring using a gun to kill...but since my kang was killed by one. One of you is going to die just like he did "she added.
"one" hyunjin said.
"yes one...an eye for an eye as I said....only one of you needs to die...then we are even..." seunghee said making my eyes widen.
"what are you..."

"minho was the one to kill kang right.... needs to pay for that...he killed him to save jisung...then you will be the one to choose" seunghee said, Leo started to remove the robe freeing me before he put minho in my place.
"what the hell are you talking about" I asked seunghee.
"as you heard me han jisung....you can save two of them...and the other is going to die...it is fair enough right...minho made a decision to save you...now you need to make a decision to kill one...who is it going to be...felix hyunjin or minho" she said pointing the gun at each one of them.
"did you lose your mind?" I yelled feeling hell of angry.

"you have to choose or I will shot all of them now" she said with a wide smile.
"I killed kang.  Just kill me and let them go" minho hyung said.
"what no...jisung chose me" Felix yelled.
"oh my god...this is so cute " seunghee said pouting her lips.
"jisung...just do it...you can leave together after... choose me" minho hyung said...
" are you crazy? How I am supposed to chose one of them?" I said glaring at seunghee.
"I can help you decide...minho is going to be a good choice if you ask me...he is a killer and he was the one who murdered kang so it makes sense" seunghee said humming" Poor Felix...no I don't advise you of that...he had been through a lot because of all of you... He doesn't deserve to die" she continued glancing at hyunjin who was silent the whole time" oh, hwang hyunjin is an interesting choice...he is the only one you never really loved right....your feelings were forced..."she whispered into my ears.

Hyunjin looked at me with wide eyes before he smiled.
"me" he mouthed.
"I don't want to..."
"I am getting impatient han jisung...i am going to count until ten if you don't chose I will kill all of them....now" she yelled.
My whole world is spinning screams filled the place as each and everyone of them...asked me to choose them.
"just kill me" I said tears falling down my cheeks.
"six...you are going to lose all of them" she said.
"seven" she ignoring me.
"jisung I will never forgive you if you don't chose me" minho hyun said pushing himself off the chair falling on the ground with it.....do they think this is easy?

"kang died because of me...just shot me..."
"nine" she said...i can't do this..." ten"she said again" it was your decision...you lose all of them" she added...
"hyunjin" I yelled before a gunshot echoed throughout the whole place....

Beautiful liar pt2Where stories live. Discover now