Chapter 7: Infinite Hotel

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Public Safety has recieved a request for Devil extermination. A Devil has been spotted inside a hotel, and there is no confirmation of the status of the hotels guests. However, several of the civilian Devil Hunters who initially went in have been found dead.

It's to be believed that the target has consumed a piece of the Gun Devil, amplifying it's powers. Seven agents from Public Safety Devil Extermination (PSDE)'s Special Division 4 have been sent out to exterminate the Devil.

Among these seven is the Ghost Spider, a notorious vigilante, and now Devil Hunter, in the city. The Ghost Spider and his co-workers are stood infront of the hotel.

Micheal, still in his alternate costume, looks up at the bland building and slouches his shoulders, having not gotten enough sleep last night. Again.

Aki holds out a silver bullet on a string and watches as it gravitates towards the building.

Aki: it's hiding somewhere inside this hotel. And this is no ordinary Devil. It's eaten a piece of the Gun Devil's flesh.

Micheal: which means...?

Denji: maybe it's the Gun Devil for real?

Aki:... the more flesh, the stronger the attraction. The reaction's not big enough.

Aki looks over his shoulder at Denji. Denji looks up lazily in thought.

Denji: huh, guess not.

Micheal looks between the two with curiosity. Apparently there were some important details that Makima decided to keep from him.

Power: how amusing... give that thing to me!

Power raises her hand in excitement.

Aki glares at the two Devil Hunters.

Aki: i thought i told you to work on your manners.

Denji and Power hum in confusion, before leaning forwards and speaking over each other, mocking Aki.

Denji: who the hell's gonna suck up to you for no reason?

Power: how foolish and conceited these humans be!

Aki silently holds out two packets of gum infront of him. Denji and Power immediately shut up and return to standing upright, like robots who were factory reset.

Denji: Mr. Hayakawa.

Power: sir.

Aki: good.

The two take the gum from Aki's hand. Micheal, standing off to the side with the other Hunters, rolls his eyes at this. Himeno stands awkwardly next to Micheal and taps his shoulder. Micheal turns and looks down at her.

Himeno: sooooo... what's with the new costume?

Micheal: my other one got ripped apart by those two Devils the other day. I had to improvise.

Himeno hums in interest. She slowly reaches for Micheal's face.

Himeno: i like it!

Micheal: thanks, it was... wh-what are you doing?

Micheal grabs her arm just before she can grab his mask. Himeno struggles to escape his grasp.

Himeno: aww, c'mon! L-let go, you... ju-... just lemme see your face!

Himeno stomps the ground immaturely. Micheal looks past her and spots Kobeni awkwardly standing around. He waves an arm at her.

Micheal: oh, hey Kobeni.

Kobeni snaps out of her thoughts and makes her way over to Micheal.

Kobeni: h-hi, Ghost Spider...

Himeno: heyyyy now, wait a minute!

The Ghost-Spider (Spider-Man OC x Chainsaw Man)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin