Chapter 26 - The end of everything

Start from the beginning

Why he was provoking him, he really intended to die.

"...I don't have Mikey's charisma and I'm not as smart as Naoto-"

"What the hell are you talking about" Kisaki asked him but Takemichi continued without answering

"I'm not as skilled as Koko. I don't have a body like Muto's. I'm not as brave as my sister. And I'm not even as strong in fighting as Draken. That's because..." standing up with the pain in his foot he straightened up looking face to face. Kisaki says "there's only one thing I'm good at!! I never give up! Even if I die I won't give up!!"

Resting his forehead on the gun he dared him with his eyes to pull the trigger.
Even if he wanted to do it he just couldn't do it due to something blocking him, so Kisaki hit him with the handle of the gun making Takemichi fall backwards.
'Shit...!! I can't move my body, I think I've gone too far' a hand raised him supporting him from the shoulders, he seemed surprised to see Akkun but the latter smiled "What's wrong? The word surrender doesn't exist in your dictionary, right?"

Slowly all those from Toman stood up, even if with difficulty, "Even if you're not that strong.. you're very motivating" Angry commented, and Inui and Hakkai also joined him. Suddenly Takemichi felt a weight on him and took two steps back, turning his head he noticed that you were half hugging him, hiding your face in his shoulder.
"Don't ever do that again.. I was dying of fear" you tightened your grip pulling him closer not wanting to let him go "You're the only brother I have, you wouldn't want to leave me and dad alone" you said silently having no energy left from the panic that you just had, Take felt good bringing his hand to your hair "If I did I know you would never forgive me" he chuckled stroking your hair

Remembering that you hadn't won yet, you released yourself from the embrace, moving aside from him, Chifuyu who had stood in front of the two of you turned his head towards Takemichi "Takemichi, I'm glad you took Baji's place"

"Only because I recommended it" snorted Baji who was next to you with his arms intertwined when he reached you??

Chifuyu turned his head giving his attention to Kisaki "I would like to make you pay for trying to kill Baji.. but this whole fight is a simple fight between kids. We're not here to kill ourselves."

"We all just want to look cool. We only want to have power and glory, we fight among ourselves because we don't know how to vent our strength" listening to Chifuyu your expression transformed into a confused 'Why not, let's vent on people we don't even know until beat them bloody... there's no such thing as sports for that. There are strange people in the world for real'

Gritting his teeth Kisaki began to speak "I propose a compromise then...! Let's unite Tenjiku with Toman. No one will be more powerful than us!! The name will be Tokyo Manji Gang and Mikey will continue to be the leader" stealing a glance towards Take you saw that he didn't like the idea very much and was preparing to jump on him... you were also interested in seeing Izana's reaction since Kisaki said that Mikey would be the leader, but you couldn't see it because he was behind his men.
"What do you think? Does this sound like a good idea or am I wrong?" Kisaki smiled but in response he only got punched in the face making him fall to the ground.

"Kisaki... I'm going to beat your fucking brains out so hard you'll get your wits right. Now get up." Your brother said coldly with his arm in front of him

He slowly got up, brushing his chin with his arm "Why the fuck are you mad at me?" If only you knew what you will do in the future...
"How could you make someone like Draken a murderer..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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