Chapter - 4: The Putriyati Yagya

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The Putriyati yagya was about to start. As the esteemed rishis sat in rows and chanted sacred mantras, the sacred fire crackled and danced, casting a warm glow on the faces of those gathered as they eagerly awaited the start of the ceremony. Each person carried their own hopes and intentions, ready to release them into the flames and invite divine intervention into their lives. Aadrika had been meditating for the past week, as was required of the girl the Putriyati yagya was being held for. She was pulled out of the concentration as, per Vedic rituals, the Sarva Gayatri Mantra was chanted in her ear.

Her eyes gently fluttered open as everything became silent while the chants of the mantras slowly increased in volume. Aadrika, with a smile on her face, began to walk into the sacrificial fire, and as the flames devoured her, the chants became louder than ever, and suddenly, the flames extinguished. The Pandavas and Draupadi performed 21 circumambulations (parikrama or pradakshina) around the fire and poured a ladleful of ghee into it. Up rose the dancing flames once more, and this time they began to form a human body; delicate yet strong limbs and long hair could be seen. As the figure emerged from the flames, a sense of awe filled the air. It was Aadrika who was reborn and transformed, her presence radiating divine energy.

The crowd stood in stunned silence, unable to comprehend the miracle they had just witnessed. With grace and poise, she stepped out of the fire, reborn as a symbol of purity and resilience. Then suddenly, the skies thundered, and a soft and calming voice spoke out from it:
      'This girl reborn today shall be the pride of the Pandavas. She is a Kaaranjanani and will spread dharma, prosperity, and happiness wherever she goes. She, the second daughter of the Kuruvansha, will bring its end and rebirth. She is the ansha of Shri Mahavishnu, Vaishnavi Aadrika.'
They had witnessed the birth of a divine being, chosen to bring about a new era of righteousness and prosperity. The air was filled with an aura of awe and reverence as the celestial proclamation echoed through the heavens. The sages and rishis, recognising the significance of this moment, bowed their heads in humble submission to the chosen one. It was a rare occurrence, a convergence of destiny and cosmic forces, and they knew that they were in the presence of someone extraordinary.

Author's Note:

Today was very short.. I didn't have much time on hand (School shuru hogaya) so you'll have to make do. Also, there is message hidden in the chapter.. try and figure it out.

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