False accusations and new companions

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When I returned from the fields I was immediately met with many guards. "Shield Hero you are to come with us! The king has summoned you and we have permission to use lethal force!" the head guard shouted.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The guard exuded an aura of rage. "Shut up and come with us!"

The guards had their spears pointed at me and that was annoying. "You want me to go to the throne room?" I asked , trying to save time. "Yes." the guard responded.

Not waiting further I simply created flame clouds around my body and flew to the palace. Flying to the throne room window I could see Itsuku, Motoyasu the king, the adventurer Myne and many guards. What confused me though was that on the outside it appeared that the woman was seeking comfort and solus from Motoyasu but I could see inside nothing but deceit. Deciding to try and find more information, I waited. Eventually Ren came into the room.

—Third POV—

Noticing the sword hero entering the room, Motoyasu nearly jumped at him. "Ren, have you seen That bastard Naofumi!?"

Ren looked shocked as he answered he hadn't seen him in hours. "What happened? Why are you suddenly badmouthing Naofumi?"

"He sexually assaulted Myne!" Motoyasu declared. "The bastard attacked her in the night."

Itsuki then spoke his thoughts "Honestly. After everything he was spouting about being an honorable samurai last night, he goes and pulls something like this. What a scumbag-"


Itsuki and Motojasu jumped at Ren's tone. "Shut up. You have no right to slander Naofumi for such an act when it is a blatant lie!" Ren shouted to the throne room.

"What are you saying, sword hero! He attacked me!" Myne said through crocodile tears.

"Oh really?" Ren sneered. "Because I don't believe Naofumi stopped beating the crap outta me in training for more than five minutes last night." he snarled at myne.

All of the color from Myne's face drained the instant he said that and the other two heroes  noticed Ren's physical state. His hair was disheveled and he had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept.  He had bruises on his face and blisters on his hands from swinging his sword over a thousand times.

"I asked Naofumi to train me in the sword and he agreed. We trained in the forest from dusk till dawn. He wanted to keep it a secret because he thought that this country might have it out for him. It looks like he was right." he said as he looked right into the king's infuriated eyes. "So if you slander him anymore I will-!"

"That's enough, Ren."

Everyone in the room turned only to see Naofumi. "I can defend my own honor," he said as he started to approach the king. The king was terrified, the look on Naofumi's face was  one that promised pain and death. Then one of the guards decided to try and hit him in the leg with their spear. "On your knees before the king-!"

Before the pole of the spear made contact he dogged out of the way, having used his Haki to predict his movements. He coated his arm in armament and slammed his blackened fist into the guard's stomach. The guard vomited saliva as he was flung into the wall, his impact creating a crater. He turned back to the king, who had by now ordered his guards to surround him. Ren, Itsuki, and Motoyasu had completely shocked looks on their faces. The king looked absolutely perplexed as well as terrified.

"I was going to overlook the fact that you attempted to order me around even though I am not one of your subjects, but now? you have accused me of such a horrible act and act as though I am guilty without trial. And now you have attacked me."He took a fighting stance he learned from Nekomamushi and began to create flame clouds around his body. " I am a loyal follower of Shogun Kozuki Momonosuke of Wano! I have done no such crime, I was training Ren in the forest all night!" he shouted, his voice filled with rage.

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