Mr illu?

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Wake the hell up you brat! ( Takeshi's heart started to race what does his father want? He's usually never home on a weekend)
Yes father? ( Get up and get dressed someone's taking you brats away) w-what does he mean who's taking us? ( Takeshi gently wakes his younger siblings up and tells them to put on there best clothes because father said so )

Takeshi's mind was racing a hundred miles an hour he kept thinking who's coming? Why is my dad so happy? Ew his smile is creepy.
( An hour later a firm knock can be heard on the front door ) Takeshi's father made them sit still in a row on the ground and told them to smile.
A man maybe in his late 30's came into the cabin with three other men they were all carrying swords they were most likely skilled swordsman.
Hello children ( he smiles brightly at them and he comes forward and gives them a strange thing)
It's candy try it. Takeshi is sceptical so he tries it first before his siblings and he has never tasted something so good the flavor melts into his mouth. He gives a nod of approval to his siblings and he smiles when he sees their eyes light up.
You three are coming to live with me starting today.

What did this man mean? Me , aionna ,and minato living with him? Why? What does he want?
The man gives a lot of gold coins to the father and he tells the children to follow him. Takeshi looks over at his father but he doesn't seem to care he is only counting his gold coins. Takeshi and his sisters follow the man into his carriage and sits on the opposite side of him while the three men ride on horses at the side of the carriage.
From this day forward you will call me Mr illu. He says while lighting a cigarette. Mr illu? Yes Mr illu that's my name. You kids are officially mine now I've paid 1000 kogins for you three.  What wait a second 1000 kogins for us?! That's a lot of money! ( Takeshi says to himself)
Mr illu where are we going?
He looks at Takeshi and laughs then he answers him your going to your new home and you are going to love it.  Takeshi is more on edge because he said that in a nice but threatening way and Takeshi was silently freaking out. What do I do?! This is not good I have to get aionna and minato out of here.
There was nothing he could do. He couldn't run away with the swordsman just outside the carriage and this man infront of him has a strange aura around him. There was no way out of this Takeshi was stuck in this carriage with this strange man going who knows where with his siblings.

Oh shit.... That's all that came to his mind in that moment.

He tightly held on to his brother and sister patting them on the back they needed to go to sleep because it was still late at night after all and they were children. Unfortunately Takeshi was also tired he struggled to stay awake and be alert but he eventually gave in to exhaustion.

Wake up we're here. Takeshi woke up and he was nervous. He had no idea where they were and what they were doing there and he didn't know how many hours have last but it looked to be about afternoon by the way the sun looked.

He gently woke up his aionna and minato and followed Mr illu out of the carriage. They saw a beautiful house it was unlike any house they have ever seen. How rich is this guy? Takeshi thought.

Follow me I'll show you your rooms for the next year or so. Mr illu showed them to a room with pink everywhere and teddy bears and a weird machine of sorts it was a small box with buttons on it. This is a strange room. Takeshi thought.

Who's the youngest out of you two? Mr illu asked aionna and minato.
Um aionna is the youngest. Minato says.

Good how old? They're twins they are both nine.
He smiles wide. Oooh twins we can make extra. He says in an off-putting way. What the hell is he going to do with us?

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