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Start from the beginning

"Dalton, this Y/n. A friend of Courtney and mine. She's the gamer we've been talking about a lot."

"Hey." Y/n gave him a weak wave and so did Dalton. The atmosphere was kinda tense, but I tried to turn down this thought of mine.

"Baby, can you help us with the drinks?" I politely asked the tallest person in the room and he nodded with smile.

I gently grabbed Y/n's hand and followed Dalton who left the kitchen first. She did not seem to mind my grip on her wrist, according to her relaxed expression.

I looked into her eyes that were, once again, nervously shifting around the room, and I could tell she was not anxious this time. More like shy or embarrassed.

"Let's go." I demanded with soft voice and the latter nodded in response.

Everyone was already comfortably sitting on my spacious couch and chattering with each other about random stuff, that I did not really catch on.

"There's my little sis!" Frankie squealed out in excitement and I giggled. I watched Dalton place down the tray with drinks, but quickly turned around when I registered Y/n's warm hand laced out of my grip.

Y/n sat down next to Frankie, on the spot that he eagerly patted, and leaned her body against the back of the couch.

Dalton made himself comfortable in an armchair and I followed him. Right after I sat down on his lap, facing my friends, his strong hands slid up to my waist.

I peeked at him over my shoulder and kissed the tip of his nose, which he reacted to with a grin.

My glance shifted back to check up on Y/N, who was already having a conversation with Hale. Their facial expressions seemed serious, so I deducted they must've been talking about something very interesting.

Her and Hale nodded their head here and there, yet I still could not figure out what were they talking about.

Victoria snapped me out of my staring trance and I smiled at her, showing my dimples. Dalton's hands slipped away from my waist, however I barely paid any attention to it, as I was too occupied with Victoria talking about her new possible album, that might be titled 'Jaguar'.

After a while of us talking, and me ocassionally peeking at Y/n, I turned around to snuggle up closer to my lover, who was not so much interested into having a conversation with me.

I smiled at him, but he, clearly, had a better time texting someone over his phone - the wide smile on his lips convinced me about it.

"Who are you texting with?" I embraced my arm around his neck to smooch him on the cheek, however he did not respond.

"Just.. somebody from work." His eyes met with mine when he sighed out and turned off the phone. "They sold this house and she wanted to let me know about the great info." Dalton reassured me.

I proudly smiled at him. "Can you show me a picture?" My gaze was piercing him through and he noticed that, but his only reaction was a simple 'no.'

"I don't have a picture of it right now, because it wasn't my deal." Dalton explained and I nodded that I understand. Hale called out my name which caught my attention and I turned around again.

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