New Territory

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The carriage they sent to take me to the Kingdom was ridiculous.

It was entirely gold and silver, sparkling in the morning sun as it approached the Woodland City. The children ogled at it, having to look away every so often when it would shine directly into their eyes, but ogled nonetheless. They crowded around me, gasping and pointing as it drew nearer.

"Princess Aurelia, is that the carriage you're going in? Are you really going in the shiny carriage to the Kingdom?" A little one asked me as I too stared at the carriage. She was jumping up and down, her hair cuffs clinking as she moved about. It seemed everyone was excited to see that carriage except for me.

I would have rather ridden a horse, or better yet walked, even if I was wearing the restrictive clothing my mother had given me. Apparently it was important that, since I was to go to the Republic, I should dress in the attire women wore there. I thought I looked stupid.

I was completely covered, and my skin itched to feel the breeze unobstructed. My feet were no longer bare and I couldn't feel the ground beneath my feet. How was I supposed to connect to our Mother with these things on? How was I supposed to still be myself while dressed as a Kuvinian?

The only thing I was familiar with was the skirt, though it was much too long. It came to my ankles instead of to my knees. Impractical. How was I supposed to run in this?

I sighed and shook my head, turning my attention back to the approaching carriage. I thought it silly to have six horses pull along only a few people when you could simply put each person on their own horse. It would be so much more efficient, though I have heard the Kuvinians value grandeur over practicality.

I shifted in my uncomfortable clothing and fiddled with my hair cuffs as the carriage came to a stop in front of me. A stiff man in a red and white uniform opened the door and I hesitated before stepping towards it. I turned, watching my mother at the edge of the crowd. She gave me one slow nod of encouragement, and I returned it in respect before stepping into the carriage.

It was only a little cramped, but the material of the seats made me want to claw my skin off. I adjusted myself, trying to sit comfortably while keeping in mind I now had to abide by Kuvinian etiquette. I settled for a slightly uncomfortable position, my spine straight, my legs crossed, and my hands clasped in my lap.

A young man and an older woman were sitting across from me, whispering and glancing at me ever so often. I waited patiently, feeling the carriage lurch forward as I heard the crowd outside grow further away. I dared both look out the window at them, I may have broke down sobbing if I did. My mother told me these people saw crying as a weakness, so I promised myself not to cry infront of them.

A few minutes passed and eventually the woman cleared her throat.

"I'm sure you know, but you have been promised to my youngest son, Adrian," Said the woman, who I assumed was Queen Verona. She gestured to the young man, Prince Adrian, before continuing. "Once the marriage is complete, Adrian here will inherit a portion of the Kingdom's countryside and villages. These will, of course, not be on any of your people's land, as per our agreement.

"This marriage is a peace treaty, after all. And I expect you both to act like it. Appear happy and content to the public, and try to get along enough to create atleast one heir. Other than that, I don't care what you do." She finished, tucking a grey hair behind her ear that had fallen out if her elaborate hairstyle. The Queen pursed her lips and looked out the window, seemingly upset about something as she began smoothing out invisible wrinkles on her dress.

"Adrian," She suddenly huffed, "Please, make acquaintances with Princess Aurelia."
"Yes, mother." The Prince replied automatically, immediately meeting my eyes. "I am Prince Adrian Kuva of The Kuvine Kingdom. I'm the youngest of 7, with 3 brothers and 3 sisters. I promise to do what I can to make our marriage go as smoothly as possible." He said, as if he were reading it off of a paper being held behind my head. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Princess Aurelia." He reached out, taking my hand and giving it a gentle kiss, then returned to looking aimlessly out the window.
I furrowed my brow at the strange introduction, but quickly pushed it out of my mind. His coldness towards me is understandable, and I decide to ignore it for now.
"Pleased to meet you aswell, Prince Adrian." I bow as best I can while sitting in the moving carriage, feeling my clothes brush against my skin uncomfortably as I move. When I sit up again both the Prince and Queen are looking at me strangely, and I avert my gaze to my lap, fiddling with my fingers. Apparently that was not the correct way to greet someone here. As I stared at my hands I realized they were trembling slightly.
I wanted to go home. I wanted to go back to where things made sense. I took a quick breath and composed myself before I started crying.
I looked at the rolling hills outside the window, imagining being able to run over them again. I'd only been in this carriage for an hour at most and I was already sick of it. My legs were restless and the air was stale, but I forced myself to stay still.
I continued to look out the window, distracting myself as the carriage rumbled down the dirt road towards the Kingdom.
Eventually the capital city was in sight, and I sat straighter in my seat, pushing down my fear as the city grew closer.
There's no getting out of this. Not now.

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