La Fiesta ll

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Odaine watches as both Damian and Mark walk off into the unknown. Confuse as he was all went quiet at the sound of Quincy asking,

"Who was that guy just now?"

Odaine ignores,his question pretending not to hear him. This music being to loud was excuse enough.
Quincy realizing Odaine didn't hear his question,take him by the right hand lead him to a quieter and less combust area. They find themselves in an empty and upon entering Quincy closes the door.

Odaine's mind is being bombarded with waves of questions and scenario as he is not sure of Mark's plan and also he hates not being included in whatever Mark's plan was.

Quincy seeing that Odaine is a bit overwhelm gets closer Infront of him and gives him a hug. This feeling of affection came over Odaine's body so unexpectedly that he broke down in tears as soon as Quincy's hand wraps around his shaking body.

"It's okay babes" Quincy whispers in his ears. "Everything is going to be alright"

"I want to talk to you, I just don't know to begin" Odaine trembling utters.

"It's okay babe" Quincy responds "you can start wherever you want and whenever you want, I'll be here to listen whenever you are ready".

*Knocks on door*

"Occupied" Quincy answers

*Another knock*

"Yo family yuh nah hear bredda!" Quincy shouts.

*Another knock on the door*

This time Quincy gets up and go to the door. He opens it and to his surprise it was Officer Keens at the door. 
He looks at him in confusion.
Keens stares at him but not in  confusion, more like in a gaze of warning.

"Keens man what's going on?" Quincy asks "Are you following me?"

Keens stands there in silence. He looks down at his fingers. Quincy follows his eyes.

"Ayo man why are you being weird?" Quincy asks.

Keens stands there silently still.
Quincy drags him in the room and closes the door.

"What is going Officer Keens?" Quincy asks in a very deep and serious tone.

"They are bugs" Keens spoke with a disguised Spanish accents.

"What bugs are you talking about?"  Quincy asks.

Keens grabs Quincy hands and starts to dance with him.

"Follow my lead" he whispers through his teeth.

They both dance a bit before uttering another word. Odaine stood looking confuse.

"The bugs are everywhere, they are very loud and they are very good listeners" Keens quietly said still dancing with Quincy.

"What the fuck are you on about?" Quincy asks.

"There are some disgusting moles in the station" Keens continues speaking.
"The moles are too dangerous"

Odaine steps into interrupt but before being successful. Keens whips out his gun and points it at him. He then gestures the gun suggesting him to back up. Quincy was about to take out his gun when Keens whispers


Quincy being a little annoyed stops dancing. He then drapes Keens.

"Boi what the fuck is up with you?" He asks "Why are you here?"

Keens being toward over by the 6"3 Quincy grabs his balls and squeeze tightly. Quincy whimpers and groan.

"Motherfucker you listen to me, I lead you follow" Keens says still in his weird Spanish accent "Is that clear motherfucker?"

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