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  It had been a month since it all happened. Jesse felt hopeless and weak. He could barely get out of bed each and every morning. Lukas knew something was wrong, Olivia knew something was wrong, they all knew. Yet Jesse refused to say.

  Any "are you okay Jesse?" Was shut down, "of course I am!" Followed by a few coughs. Jesse had been freezing cold and covering up, his face almost completely hidden.

  Then one morning... Jesse woke up feeling warm, it was a nice, cozy feeling, almost the feeling of happiness, he got up, struggling once more, but he brushed it off. He still didn't take off his coat and everything, he was still coughing, but he felt better. Maybe there was a cure and it would just pass forward just like that!

  He was walking around, doing his daily duties, people had noticed he was feeling better, happily waving. Lukas, of course, wasn't buying it, but if Jesse WAS in that much pain, he'd tell him, right? And he most certainly wouldn't have been as happy as he was. Lukas sighed to himself and left him alone.

  Olivia and Axel had left to Redstonia and Boomtown to deal with what they needed to deal with there, Petra was off adventuring per usual, Jesse was doing his normal chores, and there was Lukas, sitting alone as always. He was glad that he had all his friends around to hang out with him, his REAL friends, and of course his boyfriend.

  Later that night, the warmth vanished. Jesse had taken off all the layers to grace himself after becoming cold again. He was laying there, the disease just spread out. His breathing was labored, coming in fast and short breaths as if he was desperately holding on, holding on to anything, hope? Faith? Life?

  Lukas unfortunately walked in to see the sight. He ran to Jesse and started freaking out, holding him in his arms and crying. Jesse had a 3 minute coughing fit before speaking up to Lukas, words that would haunt Lukas for the rest of his life.

  "Oh Lukas-"Jesse started,"I didn't want you to find out like this. I really didn't. But now you know," he started coughing, Lukas was tearing up, Jesse spoke again. "I'm sorry I never told you sooner, I really thought I could find a cure, but I guess I didn't. My time is up, my days are over, but I need you to know something, something important."

  Lukas looked at him, "I'm- I'm listening"

  Jesse looked up at him, a weak smile across his face, he was about to say it, bracing himself for what he knew would be his final words, for what he knew would be what he said before being gone forever. He sat there, looking, before he slowly spoke up, the voice was raspy, and quiet, but Lukas could still hear it enough.

  The exact words,"Don't forget how much I love you"

  Jesse went limp, Lukas started shaking him. "Jesse?? JESSE!" He sat there, screaming Jesse's name, as if he'd be able to wake him up. The more and more Jesse was said, the more and more Lukas would start sobbing, until he would come to be just screaming, even he couldn't understand what he was saying anymore. But that didn't matter, because Jesse was gone, dead.

  And there was nothing to change that, no matter how much screaming, crying, fighting, Jesse wouldn't come back, he would always be dead, just how Lukas, was always just Lukas.

Nothing Can Change The Way I Love You(A Jesskas fic)Where stories live. Discover now