Bursting, Hurting Fireworks (Trophy x Tissues Fluff {Trophy's small!} )

Start from the beginning

“Well, it looks like the fireworks are ready!” said OJ to Knife, walking up to Paper, who looked pretty concerned, “Paper, aren’t you excited for the fireworks?” Asked OJ, grabbing the shoulder of his beloved. “Well, you know how loud fireworks are, and since some people have sensory issues with loud bangs, and others have trauma (fic reference 2: electric boogaloo) associated with them. I was wondering if we should do something different instead. I mean, I don’t want anyone to have a panic attack on a day to celebrate like this.” said Paper, looking towards the crowd of eager contestants. “Well, when I announced the fireworks to everyone last week, I told them that if anyone couldn’t handle fireworks, they should tell me and I’d call them off, but noone’s said anything yet, so I pretty sure we’re safe!” OJ said to his dearest darling, smiling. That seemed to ease Paper’s nerves, and he smiled at his sweetheart before walking away a lengthy distance from the unfused fireworks, as to not accidentally catch himself on fire. Again.

While most people in hotel OJ knew of the upcoming fireworks, Lightbulb, Trophy, and Soap were out for brunch when it was announced, so none of them knew until it was too late to stop them from happening altogether.

How unfortunate.

                                          ♡— — — — — — — — — — — —♥

Trophy and Tissues rushed up the stairs to their room (man OJ better get an elevator in here cuz Cabby can’t use stairs and some of them need crutches sometimes sheeeeesh), trying to get to it before the fireworks started. Well, it was mostly Trophy rushing, and him dragging Tissues along. The self-proclaimed jock just needed to get to his room before the fireworks went off, and then he could put on a pair of sound-blocking headphones and wait for the fireworks to stop. After that he could go and enjoy the party as usual. There was just one teensy-weensy-tiny really really really miniscule problem with his plan; he was quickly slipping into his little-space. But that wasn’t a problem, Trophy thought, he would just cuddle up right beside his favorite stuffies and blankets while the fireworks went on and totally not regress , then he could just go back to the party all nice and big and forget about the fireworks and all that shizz. Simple, right? Nothing would go wrong, nothing could go wrong!

That was, however, until the fireworks started with Trophy and Tissues only being half-way towards their room.

Some of the fireworks shooted out comet-like tails of light that exploded into a mini-show of more fireworks. Some of them burned bright neons and skittered their way across the sky. The worst – or best ones depending on your perspective – shooted out of the sky like a comet – or burning missile. Again, depending on your perspective. They also screamed like an ear-drum bursting eagle soaring across the sky, which was either exhilarating, terrifying and traumatizing, or a mix of both - yet again, depending on your perspective of things. No matter the type of firework, they all made loud bangs and bright flashes of light, some much more than others.

All of the fireworks were too loud and too bright and too unpredictable for the golden prize. As soon as he heard them, he let out a small shriek, covering his ears and sliding down to the floor against the wall, knees pressed to his chest. Tissues, to be completely honest with you, had no idea whatsoever of how to help the golden cup (he was convinced the only reason he was able to help Trophy last time was because of dumb luck), but tried his best, quickly kneeling down to Trophy and trying to comfort him. Luckily for Tissues, help was on the way.

Soap rushed through the hall, looking for her Trophy, her half-brother. She knew that Trophy had ptsd, and some of his trauma involved loud guns being fired, so bangs reminiscent of them often triggered him. It wasn’t unusual for Soap or Lightbulb to be woken up by a regressed Trophy because of loud sounds going off in the night while they were asleep. She had heard the bangs, and immediately rushed to go find him. Luckily for her (not too lucky for Trophy or Tissues, though), Trophy was at the beginning of the hallway, with Tissues sat down beside him.

“Trophy? Oh gosh!-” Soap noticed the self proclaimed ‘big mean bad jock’ huddled up in a ball in the hallway, right besides Tissues. She kneeled down to him, and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, whispering sweet nothings all the while. Trophy initially flinched and further curled in on himself, but after recognizing the figure as his sister, he lunged at her, hugging Soap as if if he didn’t, everything would fall apart, which was true for his mental state. “Shh, sweetie. Everything’s gonna be a-ok.” said Soap, quickly scooping Trophy up and carrying him to her room. ‘Wow’, thought Tissues, he didn’t know Soap was strong enough to carry Trophy that easily. Astonishment aside, Tissues still wanted to try helping his bestie (/crush), so he followed Soap.

Soap set the golden cup down on her bed, and went over to her drawer, searching through it. Trophy had managed to calm down a bit, though he was still quietly sobbing. Tissues sat down next to Trophy, awkwardly. He still had no idea whatsoever of what was going on with his friend, but he was gonna try to help. Soap came back over to Trophy, pacifier, headphones, and stuffie in hand. She plopped the small baby blue and white object in the small boy’s mouth, and handed the cinnamaroll plushie over to Trophy, which he grabbed and held tight. She also got the headphones on Trophy’s head.

“Tissues, mind taking care of Trophy for a sec while I go and talk to OJ about this?” asked the clean-freak, sitting on the opposite side of Trophy that Tissues was on (Trophy was pretty happy to be squished between 2 of his favorite people). “Waitwaitwait- Is he doing that thing where he like- acts like a baby again? Do you *sniff* know what it’s called?” asked the ocean blonde, confusedly. The only time he had seen Trophy like this before was last week when he had some bad flashbacks, but the two hadn’t talked about it since, and he still didn’t know what it was called. “Oh, Trophy hasn't told you yet? He was always so secretive back when he were kids. Anyways, it's called age regression. Okthanksbyeeeeeee!” said Soap, quickly leaving the room and scurrying through the halls. Tissues didn’t even have enough time to ask her what ‘age regression’ really was, or ask how she and Trophy knew each other as kids, he thought that they had met on the show. The sickly babysitter sighed, and turned over to Trophy, who was laying down on the bed, still suckling on his pacifier. “Well, this is gonna be something, alright.” mumbled Tissues.

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