Chapter 2

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While walking down the corridor, Misty felt a sudden wave of unease wash over her, prompting her to pause and study the photos on the wall. Her thoughts were scattered and unfocused, jumping from one idea to another. Contrary to her employer's accusations, Snape didn't embody any of those traits. Misty had the opportunity to observe firsthand just how caring and selfless he can truly be. However, since it was her first day observing him, she couldn't make judgments based on their limited interaction.

From his vantage point, Snape could see her lingering presence and the distant gaze in her eyes. Curiosity consumed him as he pondered the thoughts and memories that had taken hold of her.

Shaking her head, Misty let out a sigh, expressing her exasperation. Despite not always enjoying her job, she appreciated the fact that it allowed her to meet her financial obligations.

A slight frown appeared on Snape's face as he tried to make sense of the situation, his curiosity growing. "May I inquire, Miss Callahan? Is there something troubling you?" His voice was gentle but direct.

His sudden presence startled Misty, causing her to jump in surprise. As Snape raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickered across his face. "I apologize, Miss Callahan. I didn't mean to startle you."

"Are you always light on your feet?" she asked, delicate looking hand covering her chest.

A small smirk tugs at the corner of Snape's lips. "I've been known to move silently when necessary, yes. But as for always, I wouldn't presume to claim such stealthiness. Now, about your earlier distraction..."

"Just distracted by life, that's all," she said, not really wanting to admit she was thinking about him.

Snape arches an eyebrow skeptically, clearly not convinced by her nonchalant answer. "Life, hm? Could you be more specific, please?" There's a glint in his eyes that suggests he knows more to it than she was letting on.

Avoiding his gaze, Misty fixed her eyes on the floor, feeling the coolness of the tiled surface beneath her feet. "Just... life when I was a young girl going to Hogwarts. Everything was easier back then."

Snape's expression softens slightly, his cold demeanor thawing just a touch. "I can imagine it was. The innocence of youth, the excitement of discovering new things..." He takes a step closer, his voice dropping lower. "But even then, there were challenges, weren't there?"

"You've got that right," she mumbled, her voice filled with a tinge of bitterness as she reminisced about her futile attempts to fit in.

Understandingly, he nods his head. "And fitting in, that's always a challenge, isn't it? Especially when one carries the weight of secrets, every step feels heavier, burdened by the weight of unseen truths." His voice is filled with empathy, mirroring his own experiences.

Misty's eyes quickly dart upwards to meet his gaze. It felt like he had plucked the thoughts right out of her mind. His eyes briefly flicker downwards, landing on the floor, before meeting hers again.

"And how are you dealing with those challenges today? Do you find solace in your own secrets or are you working towards letting them go?" Moving closer, his voice becomes both tender and compelling.

"I have no secrets." Misty confidently declared, "I'm an open book," maintaining steady eye contact throughout.

Snape smirks slightly, a familiar glint in his eyes. "Oh, really? Are you sure about that? I have a feeling there might be a few things you haven't shared yet." He leans in slightly, his face just inches from hers.

It was impossible to miss the telltale signs of her embarrassment as her cheeks blushed a bright shade of red. "Well then, perhaps it's time to start sharing, isn't it? The weight of secrets can be quite burdensome, even if they're not as dark or complex as others might imagine." His voice remains soft and inviting.

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