Valentines Day Surprise

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Five Months Later

Lyla's pregnancy had been going pretty well, they had their up's and their down's, but they were so grateful.
Every time she had a bad day, Shane was there with her every step of the way. He made sure that she always felt safe and loved. And she did. Lyla always wanted to make sure that he also felt loved. They both always tried their best.
They also went out for a date night at least every week before bringing this new life into the world.

They had also found out that they were having a baby girl, and they couldn't be happier.

It was Valentines Day now, and Shane came to surprise Lyla with a gift.

"How's my two beautiful girls?" Shane asked coming into their bedroom, hiding something behind his back. Lyla looked up from her book and smiled at her husband.
"She's not here yet Shane!" She giggled.
"I know that. I also know that she is going to be just as beautiful as you."
"What did I do to deserve you?" She asked with a smile.
"Just lucky I guess." They both laughed. "I have something for you my love." He said, handing her a bouquet of red roses. Her face immediately lit up.
"Oh Shane! They're beautiful!" She said, taking them in her hands. "You didn't need to do that."
Shane knelt down by the bed to face her.
"Oh my love, that's not even half of the surprises I have for you." He said smirking.
"What do you mean? People only give flowers, chocolate, and maybe a plushie, what could you have possibly have planned?"
"You act like I'm not creative."
"I'm kidding!" She laughed.
"Well you'll find out what I have planned. But first, I need you to go pick out your favorite dress, and go put it on, okay?"
"Why?" She asked with a laugh.
"You'll see." He stated. Then she got up and went to get changed.
About five minutes later Lyla walks out wearing a loose long sleeved light purple dress which fit nicely over her bump.

"You look beautiful my darling." Shane told her, walking over to her and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. "But the thing is, you always look beautiful, and sometimes I think I say it too much."

"You say it the perfect amount of times sweetie." She said, also giving him a light kiss on the lips. "You make me feel beautiful."
"I'm glad." He answered. "Now, you ready to see more of your surprise?"
"Yes!" She said excitedly.
He giggled, "Alright, it's downstairs. Can you make it?"
"I'm sure I can."
"Hmm, just to be sure.." He said, picking her up and carrying her downstairs.
"I could have walked."
"I just felt like carrying my two favorite people, that's all."  They made it downstairs and found rose petals spread across the floor and the table, with a beautiful breakfast on the table.
"Oh. Sweetie! You didn't have to do this!" She said after he set her down.
"I wanted too."
"You always make me breakfast, I feel like I'm not doing enough for you! That's what wives are supposed to do!" She said tearing up.
"Oh, love! Don't feel like that! Wives are not 'supposed' to do anything, especially when they're carrying a baby. I love you, and I want to tamale care of you. I love cooking for you!" He said, pulling her in his arms.
"I don't deserve you!" She said crying.
"Oh, yes you do sweetie, you deserve the world." He reassured her, while stroking her hair.
"Thank you baby."
"Alright, now come on, let's eat."
After they finished their breakfast, Shane said.
"Alright, now, how would you like to go shopping?" Her face immediately brightens. "Yeah, I knew you'd like that! Do you wanna go now?" Without saying a word, she immediately went to get her purse. They went to a couple different stores and then when they were done, Shane said.
"We have one more place we need to go to."
"Really? Where? This is enough."
"Oh, but this is different." He said with a smirk.
"Okay?" When they were almost there Shane told her to close her eyes, and she did. He pulled in the driveway and then parked.
"Alright, you can open your eyes." She opened her eyes, to see they were at an animal shelter.
"I know you've been very sad since Ronan died. So I thought maybe.."
"Oh Shane!" She said, tears in her eyes, and then immediately leaned over and hugged him. "Are you serious?"
"Of course! I know nothing can replace him, but I thought you needed a little buddy with you for when I'm not here. You need more company than just our unborn baby."
"You're too sweet, I can't believe I found you."
"We both struck gold I guess. Now, what are we waiting for? Let's go inside!" Then they went inside and she fell in love with every dog there.
"Okay, we can't get all of them, we don't have room, or the budget for that." Shane said with a chuckle.
"I know, but they're all so adorable!!"
"Love, all dogs are adorable."
"I know that." Then her eyes caught sight of a little blond corgi. Her face lights up and she goes to pet it. "Hi sweetheart! Awww!!" She said petting the corgi, and it immediately nuzzles up against her. She looks back up at Shane with a smile.
"I know that look." He said as he knelt down to pet the dog as well.
"It's a girl Shane! Just like our little bean!" (Bean is a nickname they called their baby.)
"You wanna get her don't you?" He said with a knowing smile. She gave him the same smile back. He laughed, "Okay, let's go get her!"
"Yes sweetie! Of course!!" She stared to cry again. "Awe, baby, come here, I know."
"I'm sorry, my hormones are all over the place."
"No, it's okay sweetheart. Okay, now let's go get her." She nodded tears still in her eyes.
They adopted her, and brought her home.
"Here's your new home!" Lyla said as she put her down gently.
"What do you want to name her?" Shane asked his wife.
"Hmm, what about Lucky?"
"I love that! Is that what you want to name her?"
"I think so!" She smiled.
"Then Lucky it is!"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 26 ⏰

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