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Me and Leah spent the whole night sitting on the sofa sharing a blanket and some snacks. We watched about 5 films, 3 of my favourites and 2 of hers. I picked the usual 3 that I would pick: The Great Gatsby, Titanic and to end the night off The Notebook that we both cried to. To my suprise, she had quite a good taste in movies. Leah picked: Notting Hill and 10 Things I Hate About You.

"Fucking hell, that gets me every time" I sob as the end credits of The Notebook start rolling. The bowls of crisps, popcorn and a fake pick and mix were all empty and stacked on top of eachother. I pick them up and start walking to the kitchen until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Let me this time, all day you've been clearing my mess and I had the thought of snacks so please" That soft smile of hers.

"You sure?"

"100%" I sigh and give the bowls to her, she giggles and jogs over to the sink. A smile covers my mouth as I sit back on the sofa but this time on her side. At this point, we had assigned spots on the sofa. Mine on the right and Leah's on the left. It started when we had that long chat that I will never get over. I could see the flash on her phone she had as we turned off the lights. Suddenly, "Slut!" by Taylor Swift came from her phone as she was cleaning up for me.

"Good music taste" I laugh as I memorise myself to the lyrics she starts humming.

'Got love-struck, went straight to my head
Got lovesick all over my bed
Love to think you'll never forget'

I have those exact lyrics on my lower arm, right above my wrist. On the other arm I have 'In a world of boys, he's a gentleman' but a cross over boys with girls above and a cross over man with woman above. Fuck, she remembers. The amount of attention she pays to the tattoos all over my arms are amazing.

"In a world of boys, he's a gentleman" She sings as she looks over at me. She could definitely tell I was smiling as the side of my face is visible to her with my little smile on it. As usual, I was looking at my phone for new tattoos. Leah decided to sneakily walk over to me and hit me with some of the warm, soapy water she used. My jaw drops as I feel it running down my neck.

"LEAH" I shout as she runs around the kitchen, knowing I would do something back. All I did to her was hit some in her face as I definitely wasn't getting my clothes wet. She grabs a pillow and throws it at me, without warning.

"WILLIAMSON 2-1" She shouts as she's acting like a little kid again, it was quite cute to be fair.

"YE WELL SOON IT'LL BE YATES 2-2" I say as the same pillow goes straight to her. "TOLD YOUUU" We both burst out laughing.

"Right, let's just keep it there" She says after she calms down her breathing.

"Ughhhh, boring" As I say that, water is splashed into my face from the sink that the bowls are still in. I look shocked when in reality, I knew it was coming. "At this point, I'm gonna change my lockscreen back to the ocean"

"Uh oh, she wants consequences" Leah jokes as I burst out laughing and so does she. I put my hand on her shoulder to keep myself steady as I keep laughing. Finally, I let go and keep myself up. A smile appears on my face and go sit back in Leah's spot.

"Oi! Don't nick my spot!" She says through many laughs. I give a little smile and lay down on the sofa so she can't even sit on it. The only seat left was a little stool near the TV. I laugh and then before I knew it, I was in Leah's arms. She picked me up bridal style and laid me on the floor next to the sofa.

"You cheeky cunt!" I keep laughing at the childish things we keep doing to eachother. Finally, she helps me up and sits me on my side of the bed.

"Have you got more tattoos?" I smile at the thought of showing and telling the stories to her. One single tattoo came from under my sleeve that I wanted to tell her about. It has an hourglass on the bottom and the top of a champagne glass on the top. I lifted up my sleeve to show the rest of the tattoos on my left arm.

"Jeez" She laughs. My arm looked like a child's doodling book but just more professional. I look for some that I like for a bit until Leah questions me on one that's a song lyric.

'I know it's for the better'

A lyric from Waiting Room by Phoebe Bridgers. I try to find it as it's surrounded by loads of other little doodles.

"It's here" She laughs, a quite short but soft one. I laugh with her when I finally find it, it's about mediums size compared to the others around it. I've got uncountable amounts of song lyrics on my arms so at some points I can't find the ones I'm looking for. Some of the lyrics are from songs such as 'Motion Picture Soundtrack', 'Bags', 'Fix You' and 'This'. I definitely couldn't get atleast one lyric from my playlist on my arms as it would take god knows how to long to listen to all the songs.

"It's just a lyric that stuck with me since I first heard the song"

"Ahh, I see" A comfortable silence surrounded the room as she got closer to me to trace over the lyric with her soft finger. "Can we make a promise?"

I could never make a promise, definitely after that one birthday. We promised that we would be there for eachother when I was 6. Of course I didn't know what was coming up in my life. This promise though, was kind of like that.

"If you keep the lockscreen for a month, you can pick a lyric for a tattoo. On my arm"

"Leah, you realise it'll be there forever" I completely forgot about my arms as I said that. Her eyes went straight to my tattoos as I said that.

"Niamh, you realise it'll be there forever" She quotes but just changing the first word. A soft laugh escapes my mouth as I hear her say that.

"Ye but life's short, got to make it good. Right?" The same words that came out of my mums mouth when I asked her teenage years. Mine were kind of the same but I actually cared about my life. Leah nods and starts to rub her eyes. The time finally comes to my mind as I watch this and lay down on the sofa.

"You can spend another night in my bed again if you'd like"

"Nah" She says and lays on top of me, my cheeks burning as she does. Wrapping her arms around me and her head on my chest. Butterflies were in my stomach as I could feel how close we were. All I could do was stare at the ceiling as she fidgeted with her fingers behind my back. My eyes slowly close as we both get comfortable.

God knows what's gonna happen to us. Probably just watch Hamilton over and over again. But fuck, she's so pretty.

Leah's POV:

As soon as Niamh asked that question, I knew exactly what to do.

"Nah" I say as I lay down on her as my head rests on her chest. Her beautiful eyes closed after a while and I grab her phone. Her phone case had a baby picture of her on it which was actually the cutest thing ever. The lockscreen was still me which I wasn't suprised about. I decided to change to something better. Well much better. Not the beach, not her Williamson shirt but us.

^imagine Leah's taking the picture and they are on a sofa

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^imagine Leah's taking the picture and they are on a sofa.



i will be shakespeare at the end of this

my sleep schedule is more messed up then my grades so fuck knows what i'm gonna do

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