C3: Parents Home

386 19 3

Miko huffed as she looked at her closet. Searching through it, picking the clothes she would likely wear at her family home. She probably just wears the same shirt for 3 days straight. T-shirt, jeans, shorts, underwear.

"I guess that's enough then" Miko said to herself as she looked at her backpack. She doesn't really have to pack that much clothes because her parents still keep half of her clothes inside her old room. She ought just to wear that. It's not like she's gonna stay that long anyway, 3 days minimum and 4 days maximum. Miko closes her eyes.

'Should I just run away on the 2nd day?'

What a wild thought. She shakes her head and continues to pack other things. Powerbank, tab, switch, charger, sunscreen- (Alright I don't wanna list all of that)

Miko takes a glance at the clock on the wall, it's only 9:30 in the morning. She doesn't really have to hurry because her parents house is only a few stations away but if she stalls any longer, she is afraid that her mom might send her dad here. She doesn't want to bother him, really, truly. She's a good daughter after all!

She already informed her viewers about this through Twitter, telling them she had a family thing. She's glad that all of them were so understanding, saying that they will wait until she returns. Securely wearing her backpack, sliding her tote bag on her shoulder, she makes her way outside her apartment while wearing a knee length skirt, light pink sweatshirt and a mask. After locking up her apartment, she fixes her bangs a little bit and starts her journey to her parents place.

Walking through all the buildings and stores, she glances here and there. She doesn't really go out much since her job is a Vtuber, a job where she literally just needs to stay in her room, using her computer to stream and make her viewer happy. But that doesn't mean she's a neet. She's your ordinary random human whose job is streaming. (OK enough about that)

Walking through the food stale, she can't help herself from smelling the delicious aroma of the food they sell. It's making her drool over it, even her stomach began to grumble. It's telling her how much she needs to buy food right now.

"Well... Mom surely doesn't want her daughter to starve right?" she mumble to herself and turns her body so that her destination is the stall next to her which sells... donut. You start your day with donuts?? Well, it can't be helped right? Since she has a sweet tooth after all.
Biting the soft bun of the donut. Oh how soft it is as the chocolate inside it melts into her mouth. The sweet taste, filling her belly. It feels like she can ascend to heaven!
(Okay wait. That's a bit too much.)


Getting off the train, she exhales her breath as she looks at her surroundings. It's been a while since she came back here, things did change a bit but only a little, it kinda feels nostalgic. Without wasting any more time, she walked out from the train station. The neighbourhood is all quiet and empty since most of the people who live here either went to work or school. It's Monday after all. The backpack on her back feels somewhat heavy, she has been walking for a few minutes before finally arriving in front of a huge wooden door. Her house is just right beside the shrine her family owns.
Sliding the door to the side, she yell out,

"I'm home!"

Footstep can be heard and a small delicate figure enters her field of view. It's her mom, she had light pink hair with pink eyes.

"Welcome home. What a good timing , I was about to send your dad."

Miko went pale when she heard it. Ugh, her mom is so-
Came a man with a broad shoulder, Miko took her mom's hair colour and her dad's green eyes.

"Welcome home." is all he said before going back to the living room. Miko went inside and made her way to the stairs which were just right beside the living room.

"Where's gr- oh there he is." Miko saw her dad and grandpa sitting on the sofa, watching some boring documentary stuff on the television.

'Ugh, he's here after all'

"Hey grandpa"

A nice and simple greetings before she dash off to her room on the second floor, not wanting to hear her grandpa nagging at her. She let out a sigh as she dumped her backpack on the floor.

"Man.. What a day.." Miko mumbled to herself and jumped into her soft and fluffy old bed. With a 'Thump', her body makes contact with the soft mattress. There's no dust, meaning that her mom cleans her room regularly. She is thankful for that. She closed her eyes, feeling a bit tired when finally she fell into slumber.

When she woke up, it's already dark outside. Miko yawns as she makes her way downstairs. She took a peek into the kitchen and saw her mom cooking dinner.

"Miko, if you have nothing to do, help me prepare dinner."


Standing beside her mom, Miko chopped the vegetables before opening her mouth, asking the question which she still yet to get the answer,

"What is so important that you guys wanna talk about?"

"We will talk about it tomorrow."


"I'm afraid it would ruin our dinner tonight if we do tell you, besides you need to rest from travelling here."

Miko laughed.

"The way you said it's like I've been travelling for days to get here while the truth is, it only takes a few hours or so."

"But you are tired right?"

Miko went silent. Well, every mom is worried about their child's well being. Miko smiles softly and nods her head.

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