Remus shakes his head, chuckling a little at her behaviour. "I'm glad it wasn't too bad then." He tells her with his eyes glued on her sulky expression.

Sirius struts into the classroom with Peter scurrying in behind him. The shorter boy is sweating profusely and his face is a deep purple as he uses the sleeve of his jumper to mop up the sweat of his face- obviously having had to run to keep up Sirius' fast pace as the raven haired boy appears completely fine. "Hello lovebirds." The taller of the duo teases as he approaches their desks. "I'm so sorry for leaving you alone with those two Prongs, you poor, poor soul." He slides into the seat next to James, pulling the boy into an apologetic hug. Peter glares at Circe, noticing that she had taken his usual spot next to Remus but he doesn't say anything about it as he sits down in the next row along.

"Thank you." James replies, wiping the non-existent tears away from his eyes. "I almost threw up from the sickly heart eyes they were making at each other."

"Pricks." Remus curses, his long arms reaching out to whack the back of the boys' heads with his textbooks. Circe chuckles at his behaviour, causing his to nervously flicker over at her. "Ignore them, irritating me is their favourite pass time. They know you're just teasing."

Circe shrugs, coyly turning away from him and opening her pristine new DADA textbook. "Who says I'm just teasing you? His statement was pretty truthful, on my end at least." Which earns an 'oooo' from James and Sirius.

The tall boys mouth opens and closes like a fish, his face only growing redder by the second. His textbook slaps shut as one of his hands grips it tightly, the size of his hands dwarf the oversized book. The other gripping the table with the same level of intensity, it almost seeming to splinter within his unyielding grasp. Before the words can find the way out of his mouth the professor enters.

Circe gives him one last wink prior to her diverting her attention over to the front of the classroom. The professor tells them to open up the section of the section of the textbook which is titled 'beasts' causing the girl to pale a little, as her eyes flicker over the boy next to her. She can see the thoughts filling his head as he anxiously stares down at the table. James, Sirius and Peter also spare him worried glances, which doesn't go unnoticed by the brunette. Circe knows that Remus is a werewolf, she had done since her third year. One of her visions had been about them arguing over this. She remembers how much hate and fear he had for himself, how he refused to date her because of this.

Swallows the lump in her throat as she looks back towards the front of the classroom. It was just their luck that werewolves is the first section on this section of the book. Professor Merose grabs a piece of chalk and scratches the word on the blackboard, you might have thought he had used his nails by the visceral reaction Circe has. "Werewolves." The man states plainly as he turns to face the class. "They are one of the most vicious creatures in the wizarding world." Circe is seething however her death glare does nothing to deter the man, who continues with his hate speech. "No man, woman or child is safe from these vile beasts, muggle or otherwise. They take great joy in killing but that isn't their main goal. Can anyone tell me what their goal is?"

"To change others into werewolves."

"Great job, Avery. Ten points to Slytherin." Merose praises. "Their main goal is to turn the entire wizarding population into werewolves."

Circe scoffs at the man as he spits the word out of his mouth like it was poison. The man clearly doesn't know the first thing about werewolves, just following the crowd consensus of all of them being bad because of the actions of Fenrir Greyback. "Bullshit." She says, causing the professor to freeze in his tracks.

"Excuse me, miss Darkwood." He says, a strained smile finding its way on to his face. "What was that?"

"I said 'BULLSHIT'!" She shouts this time, kicking the desk in front of her. Remus flinches at her aggressive tone, not used to anything over that the sweet one she has used when talking to him. "What fucking nonsense. You can't base your entire opinion on werewolves on the actions of Fenrir Greyback. Its would be like me basing my opinion on purebloods on the likes of Grindelwald or Voldemort."

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