33. Final Hearing

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*1 December*
*At Lisa and Rosè's house*

Jungmi was sitting infront of Dressing table in her room with deep thoughts in her head, staring herself at mirror.

A knock was heard on the door of room.

Jungmi: come in.

Rosè entered the room with a small smile.

Rosè: Are you ready?

Jungmi nodded in response.

Rosè: What are you thinking Mimi?

Jungmi looked at Rosè from mirror's rare view.

Jungmi: What if they prove me criminal unnie? This is the last chance we have. What if they don't believe me again? Everyone will hate me........I didn't killed anyone.....

Rosè went towards her, sat at her face level and held her hand.

Rosè: Do you believe my appa? Ok leave appa. You believe me right?

Jungmi nodded her head while looking at her making Rosè smile.

Rosè: So I promise, I will prove you innocent. No matter how.

Jungmi: Don't promise Unnie. People always brake it.

Jungmi looked at other side. Rosè's smile faded away listening to her, still she forced a smile and made Jungmi look at her.

Rosè: It's ok. I will not promise that to you. I am promising it to myself that no matter what, I will prove my Jungmi innocent.

Jungmi looked at her fondly.

Rosè: ok now let's go.

Rosè got up from floor and gave her hand to Jungmi. Jungmi held her hand and got up from chair.

They both went downstairs and saw Mr. Park, Lisa, Sungho, Yuri and Minjun there. Yuri quickly got up from couch and ran towards Jungmi. She hugged her tightly.

Yuri: What the hell were you even thinking?

Jungmi: Sorry....

She said and hugged her back.

Yuri: It's ok. No need to take tension. We all are here for you.

She said with an assuring smile and broke the hug. Jungmi nodded her head.
Yuri moved aside and Sungho came at her place.
Jungmi looked at him and looked down. Sungho held her ears and twisted it lightly.

Jungmi: aayi aayi. Leave it!

AllxMr.Park,Sungho and Jungmi: Yaah leave her!

Sungho left her ear and glared at her.

Sungho: We were making kimchi in the corner that you forgot about us or what?

He said and hugged her. Jungmi hugged him back.

Sungho: You are so childish. You should've came to me. You are my sister Jungmi, I would've supported you no matter what.

Yuri: Yaah. Am I not your sister?

She said to change the atmosphere. Sungho looked at her.

Sungho: You are. But you are so annoying.

Yuri: hmph. I hate you.

Jungmi giggled a bit and broke the hug.

Mr. Park: You all are more like siblings than friends.

They all looked at him and gave him a smile.

Yuri: of course we are.

She said squealing.

Lisa: ok now let's go.

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