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Here's the first part guys!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!! I'm dedicating it to my #1 fan @mrs__tomlinson91


Louis pov

We didn't talk the whole way there. In fact we hadn't talked much at all today. It was better that way. We were both thinking about our own things. We had to. It was the only way we were going to follow through....

I hadn't even told him we were leaving, or to get in the car. We'd just made eye contact, and conveyed with our eyes that it was time to go. We really didn't plan this out well at all.

Too much planning would've stressed me out, and scared Harry more than it already has. It was his idea, but yet he's terrified now that the times actually come.

It's not a brilliant plan, but it's what has to be done. Enough about that though. I don't want to think about it for now.

So we'd both gotten up, and left Harry's flat. We locked the door. Then we stood there, and looked at the house for a while, just taking in the sight of it. That way we could remember it, and all of the good memories we had there.

See, "Harry's flat" is actually our flat. We've both lived here for almost three years. I just have another house that I supposedly live in.

Eventually, once we'd stared long enough, we drove to the pond on Harry's street. We both got out and walked to the edge. Harry watched as I threw the key into the water. He couldn't bring himself to do it.

And once again, we stood there for a minute. Soaking up the moment. This was a pretty lake. Especially right now with the sun setting. I'm glad I got to share it with Harry tonight.

Once it got too dark, we headed back to the car. Feeling only a tiny bit remorseful, I turned the car around, and headed North.

And then we began the drive.

So, I drove there, in silence, with my one and only love sitting next to me. We weren't mad at each other. Or sad about something. In fact, we were happy. A strange kind of happy. Not the smiling, laughing kind. But the at peace kind.

I hadn't felt that way in nearly five years. It was nice, to be able to feel that again. I'd almost forgotten.

Sometime during the duration of the ride, Harry had grabbed my hand in his, and was now playing with my fingers. I know he's just keeping himself distracted.

I pulled up, parked, and killed the engine. We unclasped our hands and wordlessly got out, walking side by side to the door. No one knew where we were.

I'd made sure to park a block away from where we actually wanted to go. We were taking serious measures to make sure that no one found us. That would ruin absolutely everything.

And it's too late for that now. We have to go through with the plan, end things once and for all. Its the only way out.

We walked down the block, not touching each other now. This wasn't the time for that. There would be time for that later. Right now was the time for silence.

And solitude. But not the lonely kind. But more the together kind. We each had our own thoughts in our own head, but we were sharing the space.

That's what true love is. Being separate, but together. That's something that most people don't understand. They'd be happier if they did.

It was nice, walking in the dark. There's something cool about walking in the quiet of the night. You can't get that kind of calm during the day.

The weird thing was, it was dead silent. I don't just mean that we weren't talking I mean that there was absolutely no noise. The world is sharing in our silence tonight.

At that thought, I'd briefly considered that id gone off the deep end. I don't think like that. At least I didn't used to. I guess things have really changed.

Once we got there, I pulled the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. We stepped inside still not talking. He shut the door behind us and just looked at me. He took a deep breath.

"Lou," he whispered, breaking the hours of silence. His voice rang loudly, since we were used to the quiet.

"Haz," I said back, using the pet name us boys have for him. I felt a little pang of hurt from thinking about the boys. Id been trying not to do that. It made this too hard.

"I'm scared," he whimpered.

"I know. But it's gonna be okay. Everything will get better after tonight I promise," I assured him for the millionth time.

"I know," he whispered. We were still too used to the quiet to talk at a normal volume.

I walked over to him and slid my arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pressed his face into my shoulder.

I pulled back and held my hand out to him. He hesitated for a moment, but I know he won't back out. We've been though too much for that.

And just like I suspected, he took my hand in his, and let me lead him down the hall, and into the bedroom. We both smiled to ourselves. We haven't been here in a long time. And oh how I've missed this place.

This is where it all began. But sometimes, beginnings can also be endings. Lets not worry about that just yet though.


Well that was the most vague chapter ever. Sorry about that, I just don't want to give anything away just yet. It is only the first chapter after all.

Also, just so you know, this is about TMH Harry and Louis as far as looks, but it's set in the present day. Idk I just don't want there to be a height difference. I also really just want curly Harry and fluffy Louis.

Thanks for reading.


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