Asha's Star

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Asha stretched and forced herself out of bed. She drew back the curtains covering the window in her room. The sunlight drenched her in a warm glow. Three days until the ceremony. She took off her bonnet, bathed, put cream in her braids to keep them neat, and headed up to the tower, where King Magnifico would be waiting for her. As she strolled up the staircase, she heard the sound of books being tossed onto the floor. Then she heard a frustrated grumble and a crash. She quickened her pace and heard her father speaking with her mother in an urgent tone. When she entered the room, she saw books all over the floor, drawers half open with potion ingredients and papers sticking out, and mixes of juices spilled across the table. "What is going on?" Asha asked. King Magnifico said nothing. Queen Amaya walked over to her and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Maybe you should take the day off Asha. Your father is...trying to figure something out." "But I can help. I know this tower like the back of my hand," Asha replied. "Then maybe you can help with something," King Magnifico interrupted, hastily walking towards Asha. "Did you ever come across a sheet of paper that had an image of my crystal staff on it?" Asha thought for a moment. "Yes, I noticed it read do not open so I hid it," Asha answered. King Magnifico's eyes widened. "Asha, I need you to grab that paper for me and bring it here." "But it said not to open it-" "Do as I say," King Magnifico instructed. Asha looked over at Queen Amaya, who nodded hesitantly. Asha walked to the center of the room and lifted a stone piece from the mosaic. Underneath was a sheet of paper, which Asha grabbed and handed to King Magnifico. He took it and eagerly began reading. Queen Amaya followed him closely, nervously rubbing her hands together. "Darling, remember what happened before." "I only want to see Amaya. No need to worry." King Magnifico placed the paper on the table and picked up his staff. "What is Father doing? Is he tampering with dangerous magic?" Asha asked Queen Amaya. "Stand back," King Magnifico warned. Both women backed away as King Magnifico summoned a wish bubble and let it hover in the center of the room. "Father, that wish belongs to someone," Asha warned. "Don't worry, it was a wish to grow chicken wings for arms," King Magnifico playfully reassured her. Asha and the queen glanced at each other, confused.  King Magnifico focused his attention on the wish and pointed his staff at it. He began reciting the spell and suddenly short electric bursts flew out of the crystal. The crystal consumed the wish bubble and began to glow with a blinding light. Asha and Queen Amaya covered their eyes as King Magnifico closed his. Once the spell was complete, the light faded and King Magnifico stumbled back, still holding his staff. "It feels...stronger," he said. He stabbed the end of his staff into the ground and the room erupted into a glorious array of green sparks of magic. Asha had never seen such magic as this. Books began to rearrange themselves, spilled liquids and potions returned to their jars, and the mess on the floor cleaned itself up. Asha suddenly felt lighter, and she could no longer feel the ground beneath her feet. She looked below her and realized she was hovering above the ground, as was the queen, who seemed more worried than excited. Once the green magic glow faded, everything returned to normal. King Magnifico had a gleam in his eye and a smile on his face. And an idea in his mind. He looked over at Asha and Queen Amaya. "What if...instead of granting wishes-" "Father!" Asha interrupted. "We as the royal family are meant to use the magic we have been given to take care of the people of Rosas. That is our duty." "My point exactly," King Magnifico replied, not really hearing Asha's words. "Every year we grant one simple wish, but with the power we have, we could do so much more for Rosas! Think about the possibilities! We can't let the opportunity to better our kingdom slip away. That would be tragic for Rosas." "But Father this is not how we are supposed to do it! Our duty is to follow the rules," Asha argued. "And where have those gotten us? Nowhere, except now some lucky fool can play the harmonica. You are asking me to keep something this beneficial from my people." "I am asking you not to drift from the path that has been made for us. That is what killed your grandfather," Asha blurted out. "Asha!" Queen Amaya gasped. King Magnifico stood in shock for a moment, then his face turned angry. He walked up to Asha until he was mere inches from her. "In my palace, you do as I say. If you do not agree with how I run my kingdom, then you leave. Is that understood?" Asha looked her father in the eyes. They had a greener tint to them than usual. She dared not say another word and dashed out of the room.
When night had fallen, Asha mounted her horse and charged out of the stables. "The princess is escaping!" Three guards on horses chased her out of the palace grounds and into the forest beside Rosas. Asha did her best to lose them, but they were too quick for her. She made a sudden right turn into a bush and the guards, unable to follow, crashed into a tree, and then into each other. Asha's horse, injured with a cut from the bush, panicked and picked up speed. Asha barely missed a few thick tree branches before her horse threw her off and sped away. Groaning, Asha sat up and noticed the sound of a rushing waterfall in the distance. She stood and made her way towards it. The water was clear and fresh. She dipped her hands into the water to clean them, then wiped her hands on her purple dress. The waterfall was made of rocks that seemed to lead up to another level of the forest. She carefully climbed the rocks and stepped onto a grassy floor. She walked through the trees for some time, wondering if she had spoken out of line. As much as it hurt her to bring up such a tragic memory for her father, she didn't know how else to convince him to leave the magic be. She didn't want him to end up like his grandfather, or with another curse on the entire family. Asha, feeling more lonely than ever, looked for her star. The trees blocked the sky, so she made her way towards a cliff hosting a large tree that seemed to point out into the distance. And there it was. Her star. Shining bright as if waving at her. She smiled a weak smile. "Father is very angry with me. I don't know what to do. I think he's right that there could be more for Rosas than we see, but I don't want him to put anyone in danger, including himself. I wish-" Asha stopped. She couldn't have a wish due to the curse. It wouldn't be granted. But it wouldn't hurt to make one anyway. It would give her something to hold onto. A wish of her very own. Yes it would be a meaningless wish in general, but it wouldn't be meaningless to her. She looked up at her star, smiling as if it could hear her.

So I make this have something more for us than this...

Asha held her chest. Just the feeling of having made a wish lifted her spirits. It was all hers. No one could see it. No one could take it. It was like a friend. She took a breath and gave one last smile to her star before heading back to the palace. She noticed it was glowing brighter and more beautiful than ever, but it was also getting bigger? Before Asha could make out what the star was doing, it shot out of its place and zoomed down to her like a shooting star, leaving a trail of light behind it. Asha ducked as it spun around her and disappeared into the bushes. Asha looked back up at the sky. Her star wasn't there anymore. She looked back towards the bushes and cautiously tip-toed over to them. As she got closer, the bushes began to shake. She froze as a glowing head peeked out of the bushes, followed by arms and eventually legs. It was a glowing young man covered in shiny dust. He wiped the extra dust off of his shoulders and combed back his wavy gold-colored hair. His clothes reminded Asha of a strict prince, but his smile couldn't have been more inviting. Asha stared in complete wonder. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Hello Asha," the young man said cheerfully.

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