Chapter 1 Kati and Perla

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One day in a beautiful beach there was a man named "Katipunan", "Kati" for short who always visited the beach to feel the beauty around him, this beach is the place where Kati forget his anger and say hello to relaxation

After a while Kati saw a beautiful girl named "Perla" who lives near the beach. Perla was sad. Kati then decided to check on her

Kati came up to her and then said "h-hello there im Katipunan or Kati for short I just noticed to you are so sad what it wrong?" Perla then look at Kati and face to the sea she then said " well... My family passed away and we always go to this beach so I decided to go here but every time I'm in this beach I'm with my family and now their gone... I f-feel lonely..." Kati then sat beside Perla and said " well I could be with you to keep you company... If you want?..." Perla then said " well... O-okay..."

Perla introduce herself to Kati and they have a little talk. As after they talk they became friends Perla then leave the beach to go back home. Kati was looking at her as she left the beach Kati then think that she is the most beautiful girl she have ever seen

After some years of being friends Kati propose to Perla at the beach where they first met Kati said " Perla you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life not only that but you are a sweet and a kind person and... Perla... Will you marry me?" Perla's tears started to drop as she says "yes" Perla hugged Kati tightly and she wore the ring

After some years Perla asked Kati a question " Kati when would you think we would have a family?" Perla asked " well... We have a relationship for a long time so I guess... Soon?" Kati said Perla was smiling and she said "well...Kati you are going to be a father now..." She said. Kati's tear's then started to drop the he says " w-wait no k-kidding?" Perla then look down and said "hello my little one me and papa are excited to see you" Kati kissed Perla's forehead

Years later Kati and Perla have a Family. Del is the oldest and Martial is the youngest but not for too long...

Hello! This is my ever first story and I hoped you liked it I'm new here at Wattpad!

Well... Martial use to be the youngest but not for too long because Perla is pregnant

Sorry if I have some mispelled words and wrong grammar but I hope you enjoyed!

You can skip to chapter 7 if you like. That chap is when she will start her school day. Just a little scroll on chap 7 and you'll find the day she will start school.

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