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Chapter: 68

She paused and swallowed the lump in her throat. "I know you may find it hard to believe, but this is the truth. He had been working with Malta to eliminate Dirk long before I entered the scene. You must locate Erik and Victoria, or else I cannot fathom what they might do next."

The Lycgers exchanged glances, absorbing this unexpected revelation. Kurt realized Erik harbored envy, but the depth of his betrayal shocked him. Recalling Erik's abrupt appearance on the night of the club fire and the ominous warning he had imparted, Kurt resolved to deal with him decisively. Erik had overstepped, and Kurt was prepared to address it definitively.

Regarding Victoria, Kurt pondered how he could harm the mother of his child. While she might have played a part, he doubted his willingness to harm her. How would he explain this to his son in the future? Acknowledging his shortcomings as a father who provided materially but lacked emotional connection, Kurt recognized the need to mend these relationships before irreparable damage ensued. He acknowledged the need to strike a balance between his past recklessness and his responsibilities as a father to his sons.

Throat dry, he faced Floridia, her gaze sincere and concerned for Dirk's safety. "I will resolve this," he assured her before turning to depart the chamber.

"Thank you," Seth expressed, as he and Tricc exited the vampire's lair and ventured back into the dense, ancient forest. They hastened after their brother, driven by purpose and a sense of remorse.

They called out to him to stop, but he refused to heed their pleas. It was only when both Tricc and Seth managed to hold him down against the forest floor that he relented, tears streaming down his face as he looked up to meet their gaze.

"Hey now, hey..." Tricc's voice softened as he observed Kurt's tears. "This is not your fault." He sat beside Kurt, taking his hand gently.

Seth positioned himself behind Kurt, enveloping him in a comforting embrace. "It will be okay," Seth whispered into Kurt's ear, placing his hand over Kurt's in a reassuring gesture. "We've all made mistakes and choices over the years. While some are worse than others, what Erik and Victoria did or are doing is on them, not us," Seth consoled Kurt, rubbing small circles on his hand. "We'll find a way to address both the vampire and the Beta," he promised, kissing the top of Kurt's head. "You have my word, and we'll set things right."

"Seth is right. We will set things right," Tricc affirmed with a nod. "The most crucial thing is that we possess this information... the rest will follow."

Kurt wiped away his tears, his eyes reddened as he gazed at each brother with gratitude and respect. "Thank you. I need to apologize to our Mate for the suffering my reckless past has caused, even if those days are behind us. We can't erase the harm it has inflicted on our present lives."

The brothers nodded, assisting Kurt to his feet. Once ready, Tricc created a portal, and they vanished into it. Upon reappearing outside their Manor, the scent of their mate's pheromones enveloped them.

His Heat.


The brothers stood outside their manor, enveloped in the lingering scent of their mate's pheromones, a clear signal of his heat. Kurt's heart raced with a tumult of emotions - guilt, worry, and an urgent desire to make amends. The burden of his past mistakes felt heavier than ever as he grappled with the repercussions of his actions and their toll on their mate.

The Alphas' Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat)Where stories live. Discover now