[Chapter 1]

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Chapter 1

Third Person POV

"Are we there yet?" Garroth asks.


"How about now?" Garroth nags.

"No!" Lucinda replies annoyed.

"How about-"

"Garroth, you have been asking for an hour! Stop!" Lucinda raises her voice.

"Are we there yet?" Kim jumps in to ask.

Garroth and Kim giggle, and Lucinda scolds Kim for encouraging Garroth. Lucinda turns to the driver of the car, Aaron.

"Can you believe them?" She asks.

"Huh? Sorry, I put my earbuds on like an hour ago." Aaron laughs, "when you first asked."

"Are we there yet?" Garroth asks again.

Lucinda growls in frustration, "Kim, switch seats with me."

"We're here guys" Aaron announces as the car comes to a stop.

The group jumps out of the car and unpacks the car.

Aaron's POV

"Well, here we are!" Garroth exclaims, excited to finally stretch his legs.

"This place is a-"

"Total dump." Lucinda interrupts me.

"Huh? I don't understand? Our parents said this place was fantastic" Garroth explains.

"Judging by the looks of things, this place was fantastic; But that was years ago," I remark. "Ugh, see why I thought this entire thing was fishy?" I asked, frustrated.

"It did sound too good to be true, Garroth" Kim admits.

"Yeah, but I don't know, it sounded awesome; Getting paid to vacation."

I mentally face palm, "Garroth, we are not vacationing, our parents said to fix things up."

"Well, nothing a few potions can't take care of, and- wait... Where's my potion bag?!" Lucinda panics.

Garroth and I searched the car for the missing bag as Kim and Lucinda sifted through the luggage.

"I didn't see any other bags in the car, maybe you forgot to bring it? Kim asks.

"There's no way I forgot to bring it. I probably put it on the ground and forgot to pick it up somewhere," she explains, trying to convince herself that she didn't indeed forget her potion bag.

"It's ok, Lucinda. We'll get you a new bag," Garroth comforts.

"That's not the point! My wand and potions are in there."

"Is it hard to make potions? Where would you even go to get the ingredients? I didn't see any stores on the way here," Kim asks.

"I'm sure I can find what I need to make some potions, but it won't be easy."

"Regardless, Lucinda, I heard about your cleaning potions from Dante, and I'd rather we don't use those here. I want to fix the place up ourselves and not have everything go disappear and then reappear in the neighbor's backyard." I reason.


"Garroth, I'm here to earn something for someone I care about. Those things aren't given, they're earned."

"Fairpoint," Garroth sighs.

"Still, I feel naked without my wand or potions." Lucinda shivers.

"Maybe we should get inside. It's getting really chilly." Kim rubs her arms to keep warm.

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