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Location: Pacific Ocean/ 100 Miles off Pearl Harbor

Time/ 23:30 local time.

Ships active: USS John Paul Jones DDG 53/ JDS Myoko DDG 175/ USS Sampson DDG 102

Myoko: how you doing JPJ

JPJ: not the best right now, but I'll make a full recovery. 

Sampson: glad to hear it big sis.

Myoko: *sigh* it's peaceful out here tonight.

JPJ: *yawn* not as peaceful as my bedroom when I'm back there fast asleep.

Myoko: *chuckle*

Sampson: hold on, my radar just picked something up.

The 3 go over to where the radar ping came from and fine the wreck of the old siren ships (Regents) JPJ fought.

Sampson: damn

JPJ: let's go, this brings back bad memories. Ugh Sampson you good?

Sampson didn't respond to her sister she just stood there staring at something

Myoko: Hey Sampson, what's wrong.

Sampson: there's something in the wreckage

Despite her friends protests Sampson walks right up to old ship and clears away debris to find something.

Sampson: there's some kind of dark box here.

JPJ: Don't touch it You here me little sis. Get back here right now!

But Sampson didn't listen and touched it, that was a huge mistake. The cube formed into a massive black hole that began to suck her in.

Sampson: HELP HELP!!!!!

JPJ: *throws her anchor chain* don't worry I won't let anything happen to you again.

Sampson attempts to catch the chain, but she was just a little to slow, and got sucked in.

JPJ and Myoko: NO!!!!!!!

Back at Pearl Harbor

JPJ: *sob* I'm sorry Sampson. I let you down again

Myoko: don't worry we got her back once and we'll get her back again.

JPJ: *sniffle* I hope.

Then a familiar face walks into the room.

Missouri: Hey I heard about about what happened.

JPJ: yeah ok

Missouri: hey don't worry kid your sister is alive, I just know it. She's out there somewhere and we're gonna find her.

JPJ: I will never give up on her.

Missouri: That's the spirit.

Location: unknown

Time/ early morning/ exact time unknown

Ship active: USS Sampson DDG 102

Sampson: ugh my head hurts. Wait where am I.

Sampson tired to remember exactly how she got here but her most recent memories were of the night she touched the weird black box, after that it's just a blur.

Sampson: everyone must be so worried about me. No stay focused now where am I. *looks around* huh some tropical island I guess. If this is morning then since the sun is that way I'm probably in the southeast Pacific or The Caribbean so If I travel NorthWest I should hit Either Hawaii the west coast or Europe.

Sampson head out on her trip home. Or at least what she thinks is home.

Scenario Two: A different Modern ship in the world of Azur laneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon