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Deadly arts. 7th period. This has to be the worst lesson of all. We just get assigned to kill some random person and take a few pics. And if we get caught, we have to kill ourselves. What utter bullshit.

"Today you will be assigned to assassinate a person who you think deserves it. Get evidence of what they did, kill them, take pictures, and hide the body. Work in pairs. And if you get caught, kill yourself. Or someone else will do it for you, " He tells us. I can't do this shit


I'm allowed to work with Marcus and Willie. Pretty privilege. I just batted my eyes at master Lin, and I was allowed to work with them. We're on the way to the homeless shelter Rory is at. Rory is some homeless old man who had fought in Vietnam.

Marcus knows him from the homeless shelter. Rory had apparently burned down a village. I walk in between Willie and Marcus, feeling shorter than ever. Willie's tall and muscular, where Marcus looks tall and lanky, but he's still kind of toned. I just look skinny and weak. Marcus and Willie talk about comics. Nerds.

"Male fantasy, mainstream, melodrama bullshit." Marcus sneered when Willie started about X-Men. Willie pulls a gun at him. Marcus' hands fly up in the air out of fear. "Dark phoenix is better than yo' indie shit. Say it." Willie growls. I turn around and shove the boys away from each other, not wanting any other deaths than Rory.

"I could fit you in my luggage. Dont play tough here, dollface." Willie says, looking down on me. Marcus smirks. "Fuck the both of you punks." I hissed. I shove my middle finger in their faces and continue strutting down the street.

I can hear the both of them giggling and snickering behind me and I can't help but think if they'd still laugh like that with a knife in their throats. But I won't stab them. Not yet, at least.

We walk through the smelly shelter. It smells like death. Like everyone here is dead. We reach Rory's section of the shelter. He has a whole part to himself. Probably because everyone is scared of him. He apparently rapes and kills homeless women. I might not be homeless but I'm still a girl. Anxious one at that.

But I've got Marcus and Willie with me. They won't let anyone touch me. Probably. Hopefully.

We see the old man near a fire he made in an old oil barrel. Willie points his gun at Rory. I can see his hands shaking. Poor boy. He throws the gun on the concrete floor. Marcus looks fucking terrified, his hands in his curly brown hair.

"What? you gonna call me a punk?" Willie demands as he glares at me and Marcus. He looks pissed. I walk over to him and smile at him "Willie, calm down. It's okay, man." I tell him. I look at Marcus for support. Marcus, the prick that he is, just rolls his eyes.

"HEY!" Rory yells. I start sprinting, Marcus and Willie following behind. "RUN MARCUS, RUN!" Rory screams as he chases us. We climb through a hole in the fence. Marcus runs left, I follow him but Willie runs the other way. Rory sprints after Willie. Damn, this isn't good at all. I can hear Willie and Rory talk to each other. Nah, not really talking. More like Willie whimpering as Rory threatens him with a screwdriver. I look at Marcus, who's gripping a steel pipe in his two fists. He lifts it and lets the pipe crash down on Rory. He falls to the ground. Another hit. Rory's body turns lifeless. There's a blood splatter on my face. I can feel it drip down my cheek.

The boys pick up the body and throw it in a dumpster. Marcus, the so-called pyromaniac he is, lights the blue dumpster on fire. The flames are warm, a little too warm. I take a step back from the choking heat of the fire.

My first kill. Dad must be proud. His daughter finally committed a murder. He's not a big cartel leader, not at all. But I'm not a rat like the rest of my friends. I mean, I am still third generation at this school. And the first girl in the family to go to King's dominion.

I stare at the fire we've created. Willie looks a little shocked, still. Marcus seems calm. Which he deserved. He deserves some peace and quiet. I lay my hand on Willie's shoulder. "You okay there, big guy?" I ask him. He nods his head slowly. "Yeah, I think so." He quietly answers.

"Can we go back to school now? My feet are getting cold." I whine. The cold bites at my nose. I just wanna take a nice nap.

"Yeah, yeah, miss brat. Want me to carry you like a princess while you're at it?" Marcus asks me. I feel the heat go to my cheeks. He's so sweet, but fuck he's good at flirting. "No need." I say calmly. I would've loved to be carried though. My feet are tired, and so is the rest of my body.

Shit. We didn't take pictures. We didn't find evidence. Master Lin will kill us. At least we hid the body. And no one will miss a homeless man.

Master Lin was pissed. He yelled at us three and before I knew we were in big fucking trouble. Willie then lied to the class and said he did it on his own. I know better. Master Lin did too, apparently. As soon as everyone was out of class, the hall turned into a cage. Metal doors came down on us. We were trapped. A riddle was heard through the speakers. My dumb ass didn't hear it. So now I don't know what's going on. The only thing I do hear is that there will be poisonous gas distributed and the only antidote will be given once we make it out.

Smoke starts filling the hallway. I start coughing, feeling like my airpipe is closing in everyone starts panicking. Especially Brandy, 'cause her nose starts bleeding. Not long after mine starts pouring too. I cling onto Marcus, trying to stay upright. "Don't worry, I think I can pick the lock." He tells me softly. "Please. I don't feel good. Please open the door." He manages to open the gate, and we all run into the greenhouse. Marcus and I get shoved out of the way, making us later than the rest.

I run after the rest of the class, wanting nothing more than to stop this misery. First Brandy faints. Then I fall to the ground, still half conscious. I look up at the plants that are hanging above me. Maria figures out the riddle. A fish. All of the plants have a zodiac sign on them. A fish. Pisces. She quickly grabs the leaves of the plants and runs towards Marcus, who's also unconscious by now, and feeds him the plant. He wakes up. Then Maria goes and feeds everyone a leaf, saving us.

I sit up straight, looking around. Everyone looks like they'd been to war. Most people are bleeding from their nose, mouth and ears. I get up slowly, trying not to fall over. Marcus walks over to Maria but sees Chico with her. So he quickly walks away.

He stands in front of me. "Damn girl. You look like you've died." He tells me with his signature smirk. I roll my eyes. "Look in a mirror, rat." He starts acting like a child. He pretends he's offended. "How dare you?! I'm the prettiest bloodied rat ever." I look at him as if he's stupid. Which he is. He grabs my hand and pulls me along to the cafeteria.

"Let's go back. Or did you want to stay in the greenhouse with the legacies that hate you?" He asks me. I knew I wasn't well liked by the rest of the legacies. But hated? "Whoa, whoa, stop right there. They hate me?" I ask him. Marcus turns back to face me. "Yeah... They don't like that you're hanging out with rats." Well damn. Tears start pricking in my eyes.

Marcus sees that I'm on the verge of crying, and he wraps his arm around me. "Y/N, please. It's okay. Let's go to the cafeteria, okay?" I nod my head, and he takes me to the cafeteria. We're still covered in blood, but I can't really care anymore.

We get stared at as we walk into the cafeteria. Either it's because he's a rat and I'm a legacy, or it's because we both are painted in red blood. I sit down at our usual spot in the cafeteria. Billy, Petra, and Lex look mortified.

Marcus sits down next to me, his warm hand on my back. "What the fuck is she crying about?" Lex asks Marcus. "I don't know. Maybe it's the fact she almost died?" He says sassily. I giggle a little, and Marcus nudges me. "Oh, the little crybaby isn't sad anymore?" I roll my eyes and wipe my tears away. Petra and Billy exchange a look, both of them trying to hold in their laughs.

"Whoa there, Marcus. First Maria, then Saya, and now Y/N. Who's it gonna be? Wanna see them fight to the death to be your girlfriend?" Billy jokes. I feel Marcus's hand drop from my shoulder. "Will you shut up, Billy? Can't I just be friends with Y/N." He snaps at him. My face drops, and so does my stomach. Why did I ever think he would choose me?

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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