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FOR JUDGE'S: I wish you all a good judging journey. And there are some questions you all are curious about. So I'm here to clarify everything.

      First of all Do Not, when I say DO NOT, that's mean Do not be bais towards anyone. If i found out you're being baised, you will be eliminated as a judge. Please be fair to everyone.

• How many chapters to read? : 5-7 each book. And for short stories 7-10.

The deadline: For 4-7 books, 2 weeks. For 8-10 Books 3 weeks and a half.

You're free to ask me for help anytime. Submit your results once your done.

For participation's :  I hope you will enjoy this time. And as you know there's Runners up as well. So it will be a good one. And follow your assign judge's. Last date is tomorrow. If you don't then you will get Minus points or worse eliminate. 

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