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The sound of dripping blood echoed throughout the caves end. His body was strained. Walking a distance man should never attempt.

Fathomable? No, the steps to heaven were there. For some fucking reason, Fathom had found it.

It wouldn't take long, he just needed something. Getting into heaven was a trouble, would be a trouble. Well would've been, if Fathom hadn't done what he had.

Over the course of 4 months, he set up traps in major churches. When he set the traps off, angels would have to check. It took a lot of robbery, but Fathom was determined.

The churches had been new major roles, so no magic teleporting yet... and he would have a set amount of time from the guards that would leave and the guards that would replace. Thanks to a shady man, he got info.

When wings appeared for a split second, he rushed up the stairs. It was more like teleportation Magic. You could always try climbing them but without use of holy, or Light magic it was useless.

Fathom learned enough to reach the top. He was now in heaven. He made the holy aura around his body disappear with a magic concealment seal.

That devil was useful after all. Quickly he rushed through, being stealthy whilst efficient.

Time was ticking. Then, the pedestal appeared in front of his eyes. It was a cube. It had sleeping eyes and was silver in color, but Fathom could care less.

He threw a random pebble, and it distracted the sensors long enough for him to dive through.

Lady Luck must've blessed him to make sure he succeeded as he was in front of the podium.

Then he grabbed the cube. With the security disarmed he rushed, he only had 11.3 seconds before the archangels would appear. But it was just enough time.

Fathom now was just hiding in an old fishing boat, the cube in a box with a 5-minute-long seal. It would keep the energy from shooting off, alerting the angels. Soon, he made it to the ocean, it was often called the fishers demise because boats did not come back.

Fathom then took a second to calm down, he did it.

He was another step closer to victory. Towards his goal. He re-opened the crate and looked at his beauty's.

Red and White armor pieces. Holy and Demonic sword pieces. Combined with this cube. It would mean his ultimate goal was closer than expected.

Fathom carefully laid out the items in an order that felt strongest. After finishing, he set the box down and prepared himself. He had a pretty big mana pool for a human with no training.

It was a side effect for being around supernatural life with the genes capable of this power.

If Lady Luck hadn't intervened, then he would have to take the long way.

Fathom released his mana around the circle with him inside, holding the cube, he poured mana into the cube and took the energy from every item that had been left in that place.

Then, the eyes snapped open and stared at him.

Then, the eyes snapped open and stared at him

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Then, to his surprise. They started crying, in joy.

Utter happiness shown in the blue eyes as Fathoms own blue eyes teared up. His long silver hair had been uncut, and he hadn't taken care of his body in a while, but now he did it.

He felt the mana the cube accumulated pushing inside of him. It wasn't rough or harmful, but it was like a parent gingerly holding a child, pulling them closer.

The cube shot up into midair and stretched open, revealing one blue eye crying still, before Fathom, passed out.


Fathom awoke to the sound of splashing waves; the smell of the ocean filled his nostrils as he sat up and let the white hair fall in front of his eyes.

He could see everything! Fathom could think so fast it was Unreal. His eyes darted, taking in everything around him. He found tracks that were barely noticeable, he found a single strand of white hair up in a tree, and he found that he wasn't touching the ground at all.

His mana was doing it instinctively, his brain processing so much he should be brain dead.

Fathom finally stood up, looking at the empty shore, he smirked as he felt his mana pool. If he was comparable to a medium sized pond before. He was that of a planet, entirely made of water, the same size of the earth.

Fathom, felt great, he finally, would be able to start fighting. First things first though, he needed a fresh cut, some good clothes and shower. He smelt like ocean.

(Scene change)

Fathom walked out of the barber shop, a fresh undercut. The edges were clean, and he made sure to use mana to cement everything into place.

He bought some glasses and new clothes, making sure he was ready for his training. He had to familiarize himself with the techniques passed upon those who have inherited The Six Eyes and Infinity. Fathom had enough of his name, he needed something new, something the pantheons would learn to fear...

Gojo, Satoru Gojo. The Honored One.

Those phrases ran through his head. He wasn't Honored yet, but soon he would. Oh, soon he would.

 Oh, soon he would

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