chapter three;

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Now playing; Heaven by Niall Horan

The first thing I notice about him is his eyes. They're dark, but I can't tell whether they're brown or black under the club lights. His hair, which is cut close to his head, is dyed blue and he's wearing a dark long sleeved shirt tucked into black cargo trousers. Before he can say anything, though, I apologise once more and back away.

"I'm so sorry about that!" I laugh nervously, stumbling over my own feet as I try push my way through the crowd of people. I almost fall flat on my face but manage to regain my balance just in time. I blink at the floor for a moment before looking back at the stranger. He's looking at me with those eyes, and I can see the question "Are you okay?" forming on his lips but I just stand up straight, a sheepish smile on my face before squeezing between two people.

I make it out into the little hallway where we came in. There's people coming and going up the stairs but no one pays me much attention. I leg it into the ladies bathroom on the left. There's a couple girls around my age standing by the sinks, taking photos on someone's phone. I look down the row of cubicles and see there's a couple unoccupied. I dart into the first one available and lock it behind me.

Turning around, I press my back against the door. I'm away to put my head in my hands before I remember i have make-up on and I let out an irritated growl, stomping my foot. I'm glad no one can see me, cause I probably look like a toddler who didn't get the toy they wanted.

I take a few calming breaths and the smell of a sickly sweet perfume mixed with vomit makes me gag. I can hear someone in the cubicle next to me retching and I close my eyes, leaning my head back against the door.

I really hope I don't see that guy again.  He was ridiculously attractive, which makes it even worse. I'm not sure I've ever been this embarrassed. My balance is not usually that horrible, but of course it's just my luck to make myself seem like a fool in front of a really hot guy.

I screw up my eyes in embarrassment, trying to erase it from my memory, but I already know it'll keep me up at night for years to come.

When I finally feel the embarrassment fading away, I step out of the cubicle. The ladies from before are gone and now there's two slightly older ones deep in a conversation.

I give my hands a quick wash and think it's probably more sanitary to wipe them on my skirt rather than use the hand dryer. One of the ladies looks at me as I dry off my hands on my clothes. I just stare back at her until she looks away. Checking that my make up and hair look okay in the mirror, I slip out the door.

I'm cursing myself under my breath as I make the walk back to the table. I tuck my hair behind my ears as I approach, taking my seat next to Luke. He gives me a small smile then returns to his conversation.

As soon as I'm comfortable with my feet up on my chair, I reach forward to grab my drink. My rings clink against the class as I wrap my fingers around it. I look up and freeze.

The boy I had bumped into and then proceeded to almost fall over in front of no less than 10 minutes ago, is sitting in the chair directly opposite me. I can see a small smile appear on his lips when I acknowledge him. My brain is screaming and yelling at me but I act like I don't even notice, pulling my drink towards me. I fiddle with it for a moment before deciding, fuck it, and down the whole thing. The lemonade is refreshing and the vodka only burns slightly as it slides down my throat.

I place the glass back on the table, sliding it towards the collection of already used ones piling up in the middle. I can feel the man's eyes on me but I avoid them as best I can. I straighten out my skirt, then realise I probably look like a child with the way I'm currently positioned. I don't think I've ever moved so fast in my life, sliding my feet off the chair and straightening my back. I pull my jacket tighter around my body. Shit, should I take my jacket off?

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