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↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡


Ijichi finally arrived to the facility where the four students next mission will take place. Getting out of the car, they looked at the facility looming with cursed energy as Ijichi inform them more about the mission.

"Inside the facility a cursed womb have been growing. They can change shape and can be a curse that's close to a special grade" Ijichi told them but Yuji looks like he doesn't know what he's talking about.

"I still don't know what that special grade is" Y/n and Megumi can only sigh at the pink haired male.

"Here's a simple guide. Grade 4, can easily be dealt with. Grade 3, you need to give a little more effort to exorcize it. Grade 2 will require you more firearms just to deal with a single grade 2 curse. Grade 1 curse military vehicles like tanks might be useless. And special grade, are a pain in the butt they will need explosives to even deal damage" Yuji finally understand a bit more about curses thanks to Ijichi's explanation.

"Lastly the witches. You forgot about them again Ijichi" Megumi added.

"Witches?" Nobara and Yuji looked at Megumi with questionable looks, while Y/n looks like he's dying of boredom cause of all of the talking.

"Ah! Sorry about that. Witches are the more powerful version of curses. Just like curses they are born from the people's negative emotion, but unlike curses when a witch is born they will come out as eggs. This eggs need curse energy to hatch, the witch strength will be base on the grade of the curse energy donor. The higher the grade the harder they're to exorcize. And finally when the egg hatches it will opened up a portal that will lead to the witch domain" Nobara and Yuji was amaze about this new information but also scared if they do have to face a witch someday.

"Now that the explanation is done let's proceed to the mission" Ijichi lifts his hand to prepare and set up a curtain. "Emerge from darkness,blacker than darkness,purify those which is impure" Ijichi chanted.

A black veil suddenly appeared in the sky and surrounded the area they're currently standing. "Woah! It became nighttime!" Yuji exclaimed

Megumi summoned his white demon dogs so it would be easier for them to detect if any curse is nearby. The four student finally entered the facility not knowing what will happend inside.


Just from entering the facility, Y/n already knew something doesn't feel right. To the entrance and all the way to the hallway the facility felt quiet. It doesn't sit right with him.

The H/c male looked around the room ignoring the other two male who's bickering in the corner. "Cut it out you two! Focus and this isn't the time to-" As Nobara approach the two, she was suddenly engulf by the floor.

"Kugisaki!" Y/n quickly reacted and reached out to Nobara, by doing so half of his body submerge into the ground. If it weren't for Fushiguro and Itadori breaking out of their shock, Y/n would have been swallowed by the floor with Nobara.

The spiky haired male tightly hold onto Y/n's hips trying not to let him go. Little by little Yuji manage to pull the two out of the floor.

Inside the floor. Y/n was holding onto a unconscious Nobara trying not to let her fall. When suddenly a large portal opened up beneath them, E/c eyes widened when it's owner witnessed what just appear under them.

"Shit!" Y/n curses under his breath. It was a witch portal! The witch portal suddenly release a pressure towards the two. The male struggles to kept hold of Nobara.

Feeling another presence of a curse near Yuji and Megumi. Y/n tried to wriggle out Megumi's hold but the black haired male grips him tighter not wanting to let him go.

"I don't know how much long i can hold on!" Yuji exclaimed as he feel his feet slowly get dragged towards the hole. A curse face appeared right beside of Megumi.

Panic appeared on Megumi's face as he watched the curse get close. 'I won't let go of them!' He was willing to sacrifice himself if it means saving his friends.

But Y/n wouldn't let that happened as he use all his remaining energy to kick Megumi just to make the male let go of him.

"Y/N!" Megumi shouted as the force of the kick knock both him and Yuji out of the curse attack.

In exchange of their safety, Y/n and Nobara fell into a greater danger.


Jujutsu stroll

After an intense practice, the trio finally decided to take a break. As they are going back to their dorm, they notice a certain H/c male sitting under a tree looking deep in thought.

Their eyes never looked away from the male as they watch him just stare at the sky for minutes.

"What do you think he's thinking about?" Yuji questioned his other two friends.

"He's just thinking about eating some ice cream. I can't blame him the weather is starting to get hotter" Nobara answered

"He's probably thinking about his next mission that Gojo sensei assigned him" Megumi answered next as he started to walk back to the dorm as the two followed him leaving Y/n under the tree.

'Cat paws are soft. I want to touch them' Y/n though before falling asleep.


An: i don't know why im making a jjk fanfic when i havent watch the anime yet xd. I guess i just got inspiration to do this cause of the manu jjk fanfic i've read.
Im currently at episode 3 when this published lol.

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