I swallow hard. "Well—"

"Heard her voice, at least?"

I look to the ground, mumbling to myself. "She's just insecure."

"Oh, my god." He throws his head back in disbelief.


"Dude, you are so being catfished."

"What the fuck!?" I snap.

I get funny looks from the customers, but I couldn't care less.

Catfished? Really?

What asshole would stoop that low? And why, huh? To get a kick out of it!?

"I- I'm not," I splutter. But now that I think about it, I'm actually starting to believe him. She always was vague on talking about herself.

...But she can't be fake. God, no...

"Hanamura—" He tries to console me.

"She's a real girl," I decide. "And you know what? I'm gonna prove it."

"Just drop her," he sighs. "C'mon, someone like that isn't worth it."

"You're wrong," I scoff. "I know her."

But I don't.

And, yeah, I could be getting catfished, but... Not Yuna. There's no way. She has logical excuses.

She's an angel.

She wouldn't do something like that.

"Listen, man, I gotta go," he shrugs. "Just don't say I didn't warn you."


"Teddie, go check in the back for some more batteries," I say.

"Why me!?"

"Because you've sat on your ass all day, flirting with the customers," I scoff.

"Fine," he grunts. He jumps off the vibrating chair, waddling himself over to the back.

I shake my head, watching Adachi and Nanako-chan come through the doors to the electronics section.

I look away.

I can't deal with Adachi today. I can't deal with that bastard at all.



"Hey, Nanako-chan," I smile, making my way over to them. I deliberately ignore Adachi, and it shows.

I lean down to give her a high-five before getting back to my feet.

"Hey," Adachi nods.

I look back to Nanako-chan. "Where's your big brother?"

"He's still asleep," she giggles. "Adachi-san says he's a sleepyhead."

I try my hardest not to cringe. "Is that so?"

"Hanamura, I wanted to apologize," he mutters.

I raise an eyebrow. Is he for real?

"I was out of line yesterday," he shrugs. "Narukami doesn't deserve to be messed around. That's all. I'm... I'm sorry."

"You were out of line, yeah," I scoff. At least he has the balls to admit it. "But you don't know me, alright?"

"I know," he nods.

"I don't want to break things off with him," I say. "Not ever."

"I know."

How Could You? (Souyo)Where stories live. Discover now