iv: selfishness

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Capture The Flag, is probably one of the worst and boring games I ever played.

That's why I don't participate in it for like 3 years now.

I know that the stereotypes for Aphrodite kids is that they don't like fighting and only care about looking pretty.

But it's not true, sure there are some of us, like me that don't like fighting. But there also are some that enjoy it and are good at it, like Brody or Penelope.

I just don't like violence. Being raised in a household where violence is the answer to everything, makes you hate it when you're older and use it as little as possible.

Explaining it to Chiron, was difficult, but he was patient and very understanding. Which made it easier.

That's why, when everyone else is playing, I'm in the Big House with Mr.D playing cards or uno.

Mr.D is like a father figure to me. We got close when I first arrived at camp. I had the worst few weeks, so Aphrodite asked Dionysus to help me out a little bit. After a lot of negotiations, he finally agreed. So I spend time with him every Friday when the kids were playing Capture The Flag. And it kind of became a tradition, so now we do it every week.

"I like your dress." He says while putting a card down

It's the same dress I had yesterday on. It's a black v-neck sundress with white patterns.

"Did you hear what happened yesterday in the bathroom?" I ask

"That thing with Clarisse and her minions against Peter?"

"It's Percy and yes, that situation."

"Do you think, Poseidon could possibly break the oath?" I ask

"It is possible, we gods can't keep away from mortals for some reason."

I play the last card making me win again.

"I'm never playing uno again." He states

"You say that every week."

Loud cheering can be heard from the outside. Giving us a sign that one of the teams captured the flag.

"Who do you think won?" I ask

"Team blue." We both say at the same time

"I need to go." I tell him and he gives me a nod of understanding

I walk out of the Big House towards the beach, where I can see everyone standing.

The blue team is cheering. Percy is injured, while Clarisse is holding her broken electric spear. Her two friends are still laying on the ground.

I take a few steps forward, now standing next to Chiron. We both look interested in what's about to happen.

Suddenly Annabeth appears from nowhere. I can see her saying something to Percy before pushing him in the water. We all look shocked when his wounds heal and just seconds later a blue trident appears above him.

Everyone starts to whisper among themselves and point fingers at him. Annabeth and Clarisse look in my direction, both their faces filled with shock.

Finally, after Chiron got everyone to make their way to the cabins. I catch up to Clarisse that is still holding the broken weapon. Her sad expression makes my heart ache.

"I can't believe it, it's ruined." Her voice is barely a whisper and it breaks my heart

"I'm sure your father will give you another one."

"You think?" She asks hopeful

I nod, I don't know if Ares is nice enough to give her a new one, but being hopeful never killed a person.

"That was unexpected." I turn around to be met with Luke's chest

I take a step back and look him in the eyes.

"After the bathroom incident, I was 98% sure that he'll be a Poseidon kid."

"Well and look at you, you were right."

"I'm always right, Castellan."

We reach cabin 10. I reach for the doorknob but before I open it, I look back and say.

"See you later, Luke."

"See you later, Eloise."

These words make me open the door and step inside not looking back, even though the urge is strong.

My siblings all look at me with a knowing look. I head to the bathroom to freshen up before dinner.

On the way to the Mess Hall, I didn't expect to walk into Thalia and Luke shouting at each other.

Everyone looks just as shocked as I do.

No one actually knows what they're arguing about. But Annabeth is between them, looking stressed, trying to make them calm down.

"You're selfish Luke, your dad is trying." She yells out before brushing past me and leaving the Mess Hall

Luke emotionless face looks around the room, before his eyes land on me. He's trying to not show it, but the hurt in his eyes is visible.

He says something to Travis before also walking out of the Mess Hall.

I think about, what I should do. After a second I decide to follow him and make sure that he's alright.

I quickly look round to spot where he is.

I walk to the beach where I can see him sitting on the sand. No one is around, everyone is to occupied by the food in the Mess Hall.

I sit down next to him, I scan his face. The emotionless face dropped. His face is full of hurt, a tear slips down his face. Out of instinct I reach out and wipe it.

He turns to look at me.

"What happened?" I ask carefully

There is silence, I can see that he's debating on whether he'll tell me or not. After a minute of silence a sigh leaves his mouth and he starts to explain.

"I never had a good relationship with my father. He left Mom and me to ourselves, never checking up on us. My mom is a seer. But after an incident, she went kind of insane. I ran away, later I found Thalia and Annabeth. I returned once, the girls and I needed supplies for traveling. But Hermes came, we got into an argument, after that I left the house and never came back. When I was 15, I was offered a quest by my father. I was supposed to seek a Golden Apple at the Garden of Hesperides. I was honored by this offer. But I was skeptical, because this quest was already done before by another hero named Hercules. And I won't lie I didn't want to do it. But I did and failed. When I returned everyone looked at me with pity. I hated my father before and after that I hated him even more. Hermes visited me yesterday, here at this beach. Asking for my forgiveness, I declined. I didn't want to see him ever again. Thalia found out, because she's been near enough to hear the whole conversation. And today she's been telling me the whole time that I should really consider the offer, and how everyone in this camp would die for a chance that I have with their parents."

"You're not selfish, for not forgiving a person that hurt you. Holding a grudge against them doesn't make you a bad person Luke."

He finally smiles at me.

That smile that makes me automatically smile too.

My kind of Love / Luke Castellan (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now