chapter 8

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Days and nights passed, everything stayed the same as the brothers continued killing. But William has been acting strange lately, and Louis obviously noticed this.

“Brother, are you okay?” Louis asked standing behind William as he planned their next move.

William turned around with a forced smile and answered, “I am. Why do you ask?”.

“Well you've been acting strange lately” Louis answered honestly and William's eyes widened a bit, but William smiled anyway as he addressed his brother's concerns.

“I'm fine Louis, I'm sorry I made you worry” William said as he embraced his little brother making Louis blush a bit from embarrassment.

Truth be told, William wasn't okay and felt bad for lying to his brother but it was all for the sake of the future.

After Louis left him alone in his study once more, William sent out an anonymous telegram telling Sherlock to get to a specific location at a specific time, because a murder was about to be committed.

When Albert came home later that evening William explained his plan to both of his brothers.

“Both of you will stay here tonight, I'll be going alone” William said but of course Louis was against the idea.

“Brother why do you want to go alone? What's wrong with having both of us there?” Louis argued but he knew William wasn't going to change his mind.

“I'm meeting someone tonight” was all William said as both Louis and Albert's eyes widened. “You're planning to-” Louis started and William nodded, not once looking his brothers in the eyes.

“No! I won't allow you to do that!” Louis shouted which startled William. “I'm sorry Louis, I've already made up my mind” was the last thing William said before leaving the room.

Louis's eyes welled up with tears as he went to his own room, “I knew he wasn't okay” he mumbled to himself as he wiped his eyes and closed the door.

Albert just sighed to himself as he knew what was going to happen from here on, “We've come a long way Will, but why now” he whispered to himself as he poured himself a glass of wine.

At midnight William left the manor quietly in his usual cloak as he headed to his destination, he was sure that his brothers wouldn't follow him as he'd made it very clear not to do so before he left.

At the same time, Sherlock too, left his apartment and went to the location that was written on the anonymous telegram.

If the person who wrote the telegram has access to inside information on the plans then maybe tonight he'll be able to find out who the culprit is.

When Sherlock got to the mansion of the nobleman - the location stated on the telegram - he saw that all of the house's maids and butlers were knocked unconscious.

Sherlock swiftly made his way up the stairs to the master bedroom, and as he entered, the sight displayed before his eyes, he couldn't believe it... Or maybe he could.

There William stood leaning against the frame of the open window as he smoked a cigarette patiently waiting for the detective to arrive.

“What's the meaning of this?! Liam!” Sherlock shouted as William outed the cigarette and put it away.

He turned to the detective, his eyes devoid of any emotion but Sherlock can feel a distant ache in the man's heart.

William approached the body that was drained of blood in the middle of the room and looked down at it.

“I did this, I'm the one who was draining the blood of all of these people” William admitted quietly as he gazed down at the body.

“Then that would mean-” Sherlock started and William confirmed what he was going to say.

“Yes, I am a vampire. My brother Louis is also a vampire, we were born to vampire nobles in this city but they were killed by other vampire nobles” William started explaining making Sherlock's eyes widen a bit.

“Louis and I were both taken in to a certain orphanage where we met a certain human noble, he was a child just like we were” William finally looked up at Sherlock to see the expression on the man's face and was surprised to see that he didn't look disgusted in the least.

“That boy, it was your older brother Albert wasn't it?” Sherlock asked and William inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes and turned his head toward the ceiling.

Sherlock watched his every movement, like he always did.

“Indeed it was. We were then adopted by the Moriarty household and that's when everything began” William opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, the chandelier glimmering in the faint moonlight.

“With our hatred toward nobles, we started killing them, both humans and vampires, we drank their blood. And we started with Albert's own parents whom he despised” William looked back at Sherlock noticing that the detective was listening very intently.

“You turned Albert into a vampire didn't you?” Sherlock asked to which William nodded.

“Yes I did, and it was out of consent. Only vampire nobles can turn people into vampires” William answered and Sherlock nodded taking in this little fact.

“You said you also killed vampire nobles too? We didn't at get any vampire bodies” Sherlock said confused and William chuckled at this.

“That's because a vampire and a human's physiology is quite the same, you won't be able to tell it's a vampire body unless you know how a vampire's body is made” William explained and Sherlock nodded.

“All my life I've wanted to get rid of corrupted nobles, on both sides. But by doing this I've become just like them. Sherlock, I want you to honour the promise you made to me by plucking this lonely vampire from existence” William looked down and Sherlock's eyes widened at his request.

“That was the first time you said my name and this is what you ask of me?!” Sherlock shouted making William flinch.

“Liam!” Sherlock started to approach William but William stopped him.

“I want my brothers to live a long and happy life, and I want you to live a long and happy life, so please” was the last thing William said before he leaped out of the third story window.

Sherlock just watched as William disappeared in the dark night as he sighed. “You god damn idiot!”.


Date: Sunday 14th January, 2024 9:13PM

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Thank you for reading chapter 8 of Scarlet Love <3

Scarlet Love ~ sherliam vampire auKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat