chapter 5

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As usual another noble was drained of their blood overnight, but Sherlock found something quite peculiar at the victim's residence.

It was a note written by the culprit, the note was addressed to Sherlock. It said:

'Catch Me If You Can, Mr. Holmes'

Sherlock can only imagine the smug face of the bastard who wrote this.

Suddenly a thought popped into his mind, “What if Liam was a vampire?”

Sherlock immediately discarded the thought after both his mind and body reacted differently. There's no way... But he couldn't stop thinking about it.

William Moriarty is a very clever individual, having the competency to best a detective and he also agreed when Sherlock mentioned that he thinks vampires are real.

“I should probably tell Liam about the note” Sherlock whispered to himself, he wanted to see the man's reaction with his own two eyes.

So that's what he did, he sent a telegram to the Moriarty residence requesting William to meet him at the nearby diner.

Upon arrival, William greeted Sherlock as usual and sat down at the table that the detective was waiting at.

“So Mr. Holmes, what did you find?” William asked as he removed his hat and placed it onto the table.

“I found this note today at last night's victim's place” Sherlock opened the paper and placed it onto the table in front of William so that he can read it.

“Oh? It seems that this person is playing with you then” William declared after reading the note, he didn't actually have to read it though since he was the one that wrote it in the first place.

“I thought so too” Sherlock replied carefully looking at William's body language and facial expressions, but the man gave away nothing.

“So what are you going to do Mr. Holmes? All of London knows that you're searching for this person, it can be anyone” William says, his voice sounding quite amused by the note.

“That's the thing Liam, I've already found them” Sherlock says making William raise his eyebrows.

“Oh? And who is it?” William asks while leaning forward a bit, seeming interested in the true identity of the culprit.

“It's you isn't it Liam?” Sherlock asks as he points to the man across from him, William's eyes widen at this.

“Hmm. And what proof do you have against me Mr. Holmes?” William asked after composing himself and putting a smile on his face at Sherlock's obvious bluff.

“Haha! You got me! But for some reason I feel like I'd be so elated if you were the culprit Liam!” Sherlock admitted and William was surprised to hear this.

William looked down at the paper on the table and smirked.

“Catch Me If You Can, Mr. Holmes” William repeated the lines that were written on the paper as he eyed the detective.

Sherlock blushed as he started laughing loudly, disturbing some of the customers in the process.

“Would it satisfy you to hear me say that Mr. Detective?” William asked and Sherlock blushed even more.

“You're the best Liam!” Sherlock exclaimed loudly.

“Hey, I want you to meet me tonight” Sherlock suddenly requested making the blond question him with just a tilt of his head to the side.

“Since the culprit is always looking for his next victim in the dead of the night, I say we should try to catch that culprit when they least suspect it” Sherlock says and William nods.

“But London is quite big, we're going to need eyes and ears everywhere” William pointed out and Sherlock smiled.

“We'll just have the Yard help us” Sherlock said with a wink aimed towards William making the blond smile at the man's antics.

“Okay then, I'll see you later tonight” William smiled as he stood up from his chair.


It seems as though it's only the two of you that will be going to our next target's house tonight” were the first words that left William's lips as soon as he got home.

“Why is that?” Albert asked looking up from the newspaper that he was reading.

“Mr. Holmes has requested that I meet him tonight so that we may catch the culprit” William stated and Louis picked up a knife.

“Maybe I should just get rid of him for you brother” Louis suggested with a murderous glare.

“That won't be necessary Louis” William giggled making Louis put down the knife. “Besides, I need him alive for my sake” William thought to himself with a faint smile.

“Wait what?”

William shook the thoughts away whilst both Albert and Louis looked at him with puzzled expressions.

“So Albert, it looks like you'll be in charge tonight. Here are the instructions and directions to getting into the manor” William says as he slides a paper across the table.

“Thank you Will” Albert thanked him with a smile.


Over at 221B Sherlock was having a mini crisis.

“Why'd I feel that way when Liam said that?!” Sherlock whisper shouted to himself whilst pacing around his room as he replayed the scene in his mind.

“Catch Me If You Can, Mr. Holmes”

Liam's voice, Liam's eyes, Liam's body language. Ugh!

Sherlock slammed his head against the hardwood table making Miss Hudson come up the stairs and barge into his room.

“Sherlock! Are you alright?!” She asked as she opened the door seeing the detective lying face down on the table.

Sherlock just groaned as a response making the woman sigh.

“Do you want to talk about it” she asked but there was no response. “Of course he wouldn't want to talk about it” she thought to herself then rolled her eyes.

“Well then, I'll just leave if you don't want to talk” she said turning around but Sherlock stopped her.

“Wait Miss Hudson!” Sherlock called out to her whilst picking his head up from on top of the table.

“What is it Sherlock?” she asked the man, but what she heard next was the last thing she thought she'd ever hear leave Sherlock's mouth.

“What is love?” the question shocked the woman so much that she fainted, thankfully Sherlock caught her in time.


Written Sunday 24th December, 2023 10:21PM

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Thank you for reading chapter 5 of Scarlet Love <3
And Merry Christmas everyone!

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