damn, sam is right

Start from the beginning

With that, Corey shoved himself off the couch, and marched off into the kitchen.

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Will looked around the room disoriented, blearily trying to see what was going on and who was around him. When only met with blinding lights, and a tarped-up room, Will began grunting and moving — that caused him to realize he was tied up.

"What? What? What is this?" Will looked around, trying to see where he was, shaking to try and get out of the restraints. "What? What is this? Why am I tied up?"

Joyce crouched down in front of Will so that he could see her, putting her hands on his knees gently. "Will," she said calmly, "we just wanna talk to you. We're not gonna hurt you."

"Where am I?" Will demanded.

Hopper crouched down, as well, putting a hand on Will's shoulder. He held up Will's drawing on the Mind Flayer for him to see.

"You recognize this?" Hopper asked. And then, when Will gave a response, "Do you recognize this?"

Will shook his head no, and Sam knew he was lying.

"Hey," Joyce spoke again, softly. Will looked back at her. "We wanna help you. But to do that, we have to understand how to kill it."

"Why am I tied up?!" Will yelled now, and everyone flinched back at the sudden infliction of his tone. Hopper went behind Will, stabilizing Will with both of his hands on Will's shoulders. He started thrashing like earlier, screaming, "Why am I tied up? Why am I tied up?!"



But Will wouldn't stop freaking out.

"Why am I tied up?!" Will shrieked as the lights started flickering. "Why am I tied up?! Why am I tied up?!" Sam had to cover her mouth with a shaking hand, watching Will thrash violently as the lights flickered wildly. "Let me go!"

Sam heard Mike's tiny, scared gasp at the change in Will's voice. She could commune in his fear, because that wasn't Will shouting back at them. His voice had changed from his screaming one into a deep, demonic voice. Hopper had to keep his arms around Will in a forced embrace and Sam's heart was breaking all over again.

"Let me go! Let me go. Let me go!" Will's warped voice screamed, trying to wrench out of all his restrains. "Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!"

Will's head twitching around as his body shook itself. Somehow, in all of his tantrum-throwing, his eyes landed on Sam, who was anxiously biting her pinkie nail off to the side. His brown eyes only seemed to narrow, growing darker, and next thing Sam knew—

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" roared Will. Sam jumped backwards with a gasp, back running the supporting beam behind her, and she clutched the wood for some semblance of comfort. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

Hopper was trying to keep Will still, arms wrapped around him tightly. He wanted to shut the boy up, but there was no way of doing that without Joyce shutting him up indefinitely. It hurt to hear this words come out of Sam's best friend's mouth, and it hurt even more to see Sam's reaction to them.

"No — w-wait, no," Sam choked, shaking her head without realizing she was doing it. Everyone stared at her, and her vision grew blurry and wet. "I — I-I — I didn't mean for any — any of this to happen," she forced out through a cry, looking towards the other members in the shed, as if begging them to believe her, to forgive her. "I didn't want any of this to happen, I — I'm — I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry—"

The Long Game━ (l. sinclair)Where stories live. Discover now