Chapter 11

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Hii, sorry. I've been sick and i still am 😭 i kind of slightly kept forgetting on the chapter because of it and i got no ideas and motivation, but heres the chapter, it's bad but good enough xoxo

i havnt read over the chapter so yeah, might be a few mistakes s and i'm really tire

Finney's stupid plan somehow saved the day.


Finney grabbed the quarter out of Vance's hand.

"Hey kid, Pass it back." His tone was demanding, like he could beat the shorter boy to a pulp any second. Vance only came with one quarter because he forgot the rest on his kitchen counter.

Finney had the quarter in his hand. He ran out the shop with it, which caused Vance to ran after him. Finney was scared shitless but he done it anyway. Will he regret it? Maybe...


Finney's dark brown eyes darted everywhere, his running soon turned into jogging... and soon turned into a stop. Vance grabbed his shoulder in an aggressive way, his finger tips dug into the weak boy's shoulder and Finney slightly groaned in pain.

For a few minutes, Finney stayed silent, his heart pounding out of his chest as he had no fucking idea on what to do at this moment.

Suddenly, Vance's touch softened as he realized he knew if the boy was scared, he (Finney) wouldn't answer any questions he wanted him to answer. of course, Finney was still scared as fuck but calmed a bit when he noticed the grip on his shoulder wasn't as painful as he was a few seconds ago.

"Why the fuck did you grab my quarter?" Vance asked, he tried not to sound aggressive in his words, it... slightly worked.

Finney tapped his fingertips on the side of his thigh, he does this a lot, but it got more frequent after the kidnapping. Now, he was thinking on what to say because he cant just say something like 'Oh, there's just a kidnapper who wants you... today'.  And  then won't expect Vance Hopper to think that's just some shitty lie or something.

He never spoke for three minutes. he really didn't know what to say.

"Uhh... well- uhhmm... I'll explain everything one day? Just not now, y'know?" he nervously said. Right now, he wanted to bang his head on the wall because how stupid he looks and sounds right now.

Vance looked down at him, confused, but he really didn't care unless he got his quarter back to play the game he cherished.  "Whatever," he groaned, "Give my quarter back." 

Finney handed back the quarter, but he said something before Vance decided to head back to the pinball machine, "Please don't go near that magician looking man, yeah? also maybe... maybe- skip a day of pinball...?"

Vance was getting annoyed. That kid was telling him what to do, he thought it was so dumb knowing the fact he wouldn't listen but he knew he had to get to his mother's to help her with the tea, before his dad came back.

He sighed, he knew he doesn't want to break out anther argument with his father for being really late home just for playing on that goddamn pinball machine.

The smaller boy stayed stood still,  waiting for Vance's response.

Vance suddenly spoke, "Sure... whatever kid, just never steal shit from me again or you'll hardly make it out alive."

Finney nodded nervously, still scared shitless and watched as Vance aggressively walked out the alleyway and back home. His footsteps were loud but of course getting quieter after each step was going away from him.  Eventually, Vance couldn't be seen no more and it seemed to calm him (finney) down as he was so scared. 

Now, he began his way home, knowing he finally saved Vance Hopper from the Grabber, with a smile on his face. 


AHHAHAHAHAH OH MY GOODIEGOSJ this is so bad i'm sorry for such a bad chapyer 🥰

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