Chapter 6

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SUMMARY: Finney came home too make a plan for Vance Hopper. Will he succeed?

Finney came home later than usual. But surprisingly, his dad wan't home and was at the bar getting drunk with his friends. What Finney never knew is that The Grabber was friends with his father and met him when he was still very young so young he couldn't remember. Finney still never knew that but he wet inside the house without getting shouted at or beaten too death, he sighed of relief as he noticed. Suddenly, Gwen came crashing down the stairs with tears all over her face. "Gwenny what's up?" she ran into him giving him the tightest hug shes ever given before, "You... I-I-" "You what?" he asked. "I was tired so i went back and then.. then I had a dream of you. The dream was horrible Finney.." he sat her in front of him and then he played with her hair, "What happened?" He probably knew what it's about but it was worth it too ask.

"This man, he had a mask on I couldn't see what it was though but he grabbed you so like, he kidnapped you." Finney calmed down after she spoke. "It's possibly a nightmare Gwenny," he stroke her hair more, "Not every dream can be them dreams." She nodded falling into his arms. Yesterday night, Finney put a mattress out in the living room since he always falls asleep watching movies. He eventually fell asleep too, forgetting to plan on what too do for Vance Hopper.

It was 4AM in the morning. The door slammed shut. The two siblings shot up from the single mattress and went to their rooms and locked their doors, he wasn't usually this bad (He was.) Finney checked his calendar and started thinking about Vance. What could he do to save him? He was strong, tough, brave. He stayed up all night thinking about it.Writing down on a piece of paper:

Vances Plan(s): watch the fight and follow the cops if he excapes them?

Run up too him and tell him theres a kidnapper

Bump into him hoping he doesn't kill me


Finney ended up falling asleep and then woke up at 7:30 by his sister slapping him on the head. He groaned and she laughed at him. Finney suspected that their dad went to work or the bar. "Get dressed for school idiot!" she yelled at him once again making him slap her cheek. "I will, i will give me a few minutes will you?" Gwen hurried and left the room running down the worn off wooden stair case.

Finney got dressed wearing what he usually wears, a t-shirt and jeans. Although, he put a necklace on that his mother gave him a whole back. It had been custom made with his name. He never wore it since he was scared for his bullies to break it. But this time, he will bring it and if it breaks he will just have the biggest melt down. After a few minutes of doing his hair, he went downstairs to see Gwen eating toast, "Hurry up! Do you want toast or-" "No thanks, i'm not hungry right now." He spoke over her. She nodded and left the house first letting her brother lock the door.

They kept walking till they parted ways. Finney stopped and thought. Maybe he could get Vance to be his friend today. Or tomorrow or the next. whatever day before the abduction. It might work but it might not since he still scares Finney. "Finney," a boy jumped on his back, it was Griffin but Billy walked beside Finney. "Hello Griffin and Billy," He said taking more grip onto Griffins legs to make him not fall onto the ground and hit his head or something. "I moved homeroom with you guys." Billy said excited;y as Griffin squealed. Finney smiled, "That's great! you can side beside me but on the other table. Me and Griffin are sitting on one table but don't worry. The tables in homeroom are put together." He explained and he smiled back at him. "Thanks." "Your welcome." They kept walking and walking till Finney remembered about his latest baseball game coming up. "Hey, did you guys know i play baseball?" He said asking a question about something they was never told about. They both were shocked, "No way you do?" Griffin asked and the other nodded. "Yeah i do! The first game starts in like three days." Griffin patted his head still keeping tight hold on Finneys shoulder. "Can I- I mean we watch?" Billy asked. He never really was a sport person unless its about biking. "Sure, you both can." he said and griffin put his both hands up in the air. "THANKS!!! I will cheer you on." "You act like a child Griffin," Billy laughed seeing the frown on his face. "I do not!"

Finney listened to them argue and just smiled. He was happy but now he really needs to get Vance Hopper.

yeah uh the baseball game will be there next chapter LMAO IDK😭😭

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