Chapter 1

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Velvet sits in her prison cell, she still has a week or a few days left in prison.

There was still visitors aloud, so of course a few people came to visit.

Velvets mind... "Man, it's been so lonely here without Veneer. I know he got released earlier than me, but it's just been lonely. I cant wait to sew him. I know he's going to visit me, probably with that interviewer guy.. What was his name again? Kid Ritz, that's it."
As Velvets thoughts just kept getting to her, there comes Veneer and Orchid. No Ritz this time, but Velvet didn't notice, until a voice started to talk, it was Veneers.

"Hey Velvet!! I thought I'd visit today, wouldn't hurt! Also, I brought one of Ritz's friends, Orchid!" Veneer said, as Velvet stood up, and looked at both of them. Orchid has purple long hair, and inspected her.

Her thoughts rushing to her again, "I've seen this girl before. My mind can't recall it, she is so beautiful though. I think I remember her from me and Veneers last show, she was our 'biggest fan' or something. Man, she's probably disappointed in me. I probably shouldn't think much about it though."

"Yeah, I could tell you brought someone new. So, your Orchid? I feel like I've seen you from somewhere, but that doesn't matter." Velvet said, then shook her head.

Orchid smiled, then approached the cell a bit more, and blushed. "Yeah, I remember you took a picture with me at the Rage Dome Show, at the red carpet! Before you got arrested.. but that doesn't matter to me, all I have to say is that your so pretty Velvet, and your brother is actually really nice too! Maybe me and you will became good friends." She smiled, and Velvet just looked tired, and shrugged, and replied in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah, maybe we could be good friends. But I just want to get out of here already, it's been so lonely here without my lil bro!" Velvet said, while looking at Veneer.

"Okay Vels, me and Orchid are gonna have to go for now, but I'll see you when you get home next week! See you soon Velvet!" Veneer said while waving, and walking away.

"Why am I thinking about her.. I shouldn't have these feelings about her, I'm not lesbian, at least I don't think so.. I mean, I tease Veneer for being gay all the time, but these feelings feel wrong. I just don't know why I'm thinking about a girl like this." Velvet groans, and sighs while sitting back down on her bed. "You know what.. I shouldn't be overthinking about this. I know Im not lesbian. It's so wrong of me, I'll just forget about this. Im probably just stressed or sad or something that Im still in here."
Then Velvet laid down, and decided to sleep this off, and deal with it tomorrow, but didn't understand why she has these feelings. All she knew was that she would have to deny it, or just forget about it.

Word count: 514 words

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